编辑: 牛牛小龙人 | 2019-12-14 |
办理对外承包工程和境外投资贷款 ;
办理中国政府对外优惠贷款 ;
提供对外担保 ;
转贷外国政府和金融机构提供的贷款 ;
办理本行贷款项下的国际国内结算业务和企业存款业务 ;
在境内外资本市场、货币市场筹集资金 ;
办理国际银行间的贷款,组织或参加国际、国内银团贷款 ;
从事人民币同业拆借和债券回购 ;
从事自营外汇资金交易和经批准的代客外汇资金交易 ;
办理与本行业务相关的资信调查、咨询、评估和见证业务 ;
中国进出口银行真诚希望与海内外金融、经贸界朋友建立广泛联系,扩大业务合作. Export credit and import credit;
Loans for offshore contracts and overseas investment;
Chinese Government Concessional Loan;
International guarantee;
On-lending of loans from foreign governments and international financial institutions;
International and domestic settlement services and corporate deposit service under loan facilities;
Fund raising at domestic and overseas capital and money markets;
International inter-bank loan service;
organizing or participating in international and domestic syndication loan;
Renminbi inter-bank borrowing and lending and bond repo;
Foreign exchange dealings on the Bank's own account and commissioned foreign exchange dealings for clients as approved;
Credit record investigation, consultancy, evaluation and witness services relevant to the Bank's businesses;
Other businesses approved or entrusted. We look forward to establishing extensive contact and expanding cooperation with friends in financial, economic and trade sectors both at home and abroad.