编辑: xiaoshou | 2012-12-25 |
31 No.
5 May
2011 永州市1年生生物质能源林生物量及固碳量研究 王宏1,康文星1,2.3,杨文龙1 (1.中南林业科技大学生命科学与技术学院,湖南长沙410004;
2.南方林业生态应用技术国家工程实验室, 湖南长沙4】o004;
3.国家野外科学观测研究站,湖南会同418307) 摘要:为了正确评估中国绿色碳基金中国石油湖南永州碳汇项目在碳汇中的作用,以湖南省永州市生物柴油 原料林为研究对象,详细调查生物柴油原料林的分布及其生物量与生产力,测定生物柴油原料林――光皮树各组 分的碳密度,准确估算光皮树的固碳量.研究结果表明:光皮树的根、茎、叶含碳率的变化范围在O.423 1~ o.500 6之间,在0.46左右波动.光皮树总生物量为30.45~546.35 kg/hm2,各县光皮树总生物量分配的大小顺 序依次为:东安县>
祁阳县.光皮树根的生物量在10.95~211.05 kg/hm2,占总生物量 的o.89%~17.12%,茎的生物量在14.55~301.5 kg/hm2,占总生物量的1.15%~24.47%,叶的生物量在4.95 ~48.75 kg/hm2,占总生物量的O.4%~3.96%,各组分生物量大小顺序为茎>
叶.永州各县光皮树根的碳 密度在4.95~92.7 kg/hm2,其固碳量为o.81%~15.26%;
茎的碳密度在6.75~138.45 kg/hm2,其固碳量为 1.11%~22.78%;
叶的碳密度在2.4~42.75 kg/hm2,其固碳量为o.39%~7.04%.各县林分单位面积的碳储量 在14.1~251.25 kg/hm2范围内,其大小顺序为:东安>
祁阳. 关键词:光皮树;
固碳量 中图分类号: s718.55+6;
s727.4 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1673―923X(2011)05一0207一06 Biomass and carbon storage of energ)r sources forest of annual Cb,.n s w疽Zso咒f口咒口Wanaer in Yongzhou wANG Hongl,KANG We廿xin91盔3,YANG Wer卜lon91 (1.school of Life science and Technology,Central S0uth U11iversity of Forestry&
Technology,Changslla 410004, Hullan,Chim;
2.Natio嫩l Engineering Lab for Applied Technology of Forestry&
Ecology in south Chilla, Changslla 410004,Hu舳n,Chim;
3.Natioml Field station for scientific 0bservation&
ExperilIlent,Huitong 418307,Humn,(抽m) Abstract:In order to correctly assess the role of carbon sinks Ineasured through the Chim Petrole啪Carbon sink Projects in Yongzhou of HuIlan Pro、,ince supported by ChiIla Green Carbon Fund,by tak啦S 如谢Z删i口撇as research subject,the irlvestigation8 on bi妒diesel forest dist^butbn and raw mate al forest biomass and productivity wepe carried out,each component'
s carbon dIensity of biordiesel raw Imterial fbr℃st were measured and the carbon storage in Yongzhou of Hunan P州nce was accurately estimated The results show that the carbon content rate in root,stem arld leaf of跚ck戳丘Zs册i口撇nuctuated about O.46;
the totaI bionmss of鼬c如让矗Zso以缸撇in Yong― zhou was 30.45~546.35 kg/h2,the total bio黝ss order of each county frornbig t0 s啪ll was DDngan,sh∞ng― pai,DaoxuaIl,Ninyuan,Qiyang;
the roots bio吼ss in the area was 10.95~211.05 kg/hm2,accounting for O.89% ~17.12%of the total biornass in the area;
the st咖biomass waS 14.55~301.5 kg/hr一,beiIlg 1.15%~24.47%of 收稿日期:2011_04―25 基金项目:国家林业局生物质能源林碳汇测定项目(20080918);
长沙市科技局创新平台项目 (K1003009―61) 作者简介:王宏(1984一),女,内蒙古赤峰市人,硕士研究生,主要从事森林生态的研究 通讯作者:康文星(1947一)男,湖南衡东县人,教授.博导,主要从事森林生态和城市生态研究