编辑: 旋风 2013-06-25


1 新东方点题班口语预测超级小范围(18 套题) --新东方北美研发中心 口语第一题:1 口语第二题:5 口语第三题:9 口语第四题:17 口语第五题:25 口语第六题:33 口语第一题: NO.

1 哪种工作对社会最重要:小孥老师,护士,艺术家. NO.2 Task1: In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a good school? NO.3 Task 1: In your opinion, what are some things a student can do to deal with homesickness. 咨询


2 NO.4 Task1: 人生最艰难的是哪段时间?儿时,青年还是成年. NO.5 Task

1 描述下你想去的 restaurant 戒者 cafe 需要具有什举 qualities. NO.6 Do you think it'

s a good idea for students to work for a year before entering university? NO.7 Describe a person whom you would like to spend time with. Explain why you would like to spend time with this person. NO.8 Describe the most important accomplishment of your country in the past

25 years. Explain why this accomplishment is important. Please include details and examples in your response. NO.9 What is your favorite outdoor place to exercise on a nice day? 咨询


3 NO.10 说说你写 paper,试验阿什举的带来的好处(好像是这个题目,可以说多事例,因为是第一个题,随意性大) NO.11 在医院做 volunteer,是喜欢和病人聊天,读书给病人听,照顾病人亲属 NO.12 Who should be paid more: a nurse, a teacher, or an officer? NO.13 描述你觉得最重要的物品(Describe an object that is the most important to you),说明如何得b的和为什举 重要. NO.14 Describe a day you enjoy most or most special for you NO.15 Describe a tool or an object that you rely on often in your daily life. Explain why it is important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. 咨询


4 NO.16 Your friend is considering getting a new pet. What kind of animal would you suggest and what advice will you give him? NO.17 The university acts as a venue for three kinds of student activities: - Concerts performed by students - Drama acted out by theater students - Lectures given by a well-known professor Which one do you prefer? Use details and examples to explain. NO.18 How personality changes in your childhood 咨询


5 口语第二题: NO.1 Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University education is more important than it was in the past. NO.2 Task2: 是丌是该要求富人出钱帮劣删人 NO.3 Task 2: Some people prefer to collect old things, while others prefer to throw things away after they'

re finished with them. Which do you prefer and why? NO.4 S2 你喜欢有多经验的老师 还是没有经验的老师. NO.5 Task

2 有些城市鼓幢A衾辖ㄖ,有些城市鼓从眯陆ㄖ胬辖ㄖ,问你的观点,解释. 咨询


6 NO.6 Some people prefer team sports, while others prefer individual sports. Which do you prefer? NO.7 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should always study in quiet places. NO.8 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the most important teachers of their children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. NO.9 Some people like to take a break or get a job during summer vacation. Others prefer to enroll in a summer course. Which do you prefer and why? NO.10 Some people prefer to live in old buildings. Others prefer to live in new and modern buildings. Which do you prefer? Explain why. NO.11 你比较喜欢 job with communication ,还是丌喜欢个人打交道的工作 咨询
