编辑: 哎呦为公主坟 2019-08-01

1 - 中华人民共和国 香港特别行政区 政府统计处 Census and Statistics Department Hong Kong Special Administrative Region People'

s Republic of China 香港标准行业分类 2.

0 版D行业编码索引 Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification (HSIC) Version 2.0 D Index of Industry Codes (出版日期:二零零九年七月十七日) (Released on :

17 July 2009) 本小册子方便使用者检索行业编码及其名称.有关各个行业类别所涵盖经济活动的详细说明,请参阅本处 的《香港标准行业分类 2.0 版》手册.该手册并介绍香港标准行业分类的编制背景及分类原则.用户可在 政府统计处网站(http://www.censtatd.gov.hk/products_and_services/products/publications/classification_ lists/index_ tc_cd_B2XX000401C_dt_detail.jsp)免费下载该手册.此外,有意购买该手册印刷版的人士可 亲临政府统计处刊物出版组购买(地址:湾仔港湾道

12 号湾仔政府大楼

19 楼;

电话:2582 3025) ,或可 在政府统计处网站(www.censtatd.gov.hk/products_and_services/other_services/provision_of_stat /mail_ordering_of_publications/index_tc.jsp)下载邮购表格,然后把填妥的表格寄回上述地址以供办理.该 手册的印刷版亦在政府新闻处政府书店网站(www.bookstore.gov.hk)有售. This booklet facilitates users in searching industry codes and their titles. For detailed descriptions of the economic activities covered by each industry class, please refer to the manual '

Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification (HSIC) Version 2.0'

of this Department. The manual also introduces the background of compilation and classification principles of Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification. Users can download the manual free of charge on the website of the Census and Statistics Department (C&

SD) (http://www.censtatd.gov.hk/products_and_services/products/publications/classification_lists/index_cd_ B2XX000401E_dt_detail.jsp). Besides, print version of the manual can be purchased in person at the Publications Unit of the C&

SD (Address: 19/F Wanchai Tower,

12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai;


2582 3025) or through mail order by returning a completed order form which can be downloaded from the C&


s website (www.censtatd.gov.hk/products_and_services/other_services/provision_of_stat/ mail_ordering_of_publications/index.jsp). Print version of the manual is also available for sale online at the Government Bookstore of the Information Services Department (www.bookstore.gov.hk). 编码 Code 行业名称 Title A 农业、林业及渔业 Agriculture, forestry and fishing

01 农作物及动物养殖、狩猎及相关 服务活动 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities

011 0110

011000 瓜菜、花卉及其他非多年生农作 物的种植 Growing of vegetables, melons, flowers and other non-perennial crops

012 0120

012000 水果、药用与饮料作物及其他多 年生农作物的种植 Growing of fruits, drug and beverage crops and other perennial crops

013 0130

013000 植物的繁殖 Plant propagation

014 动物的养殖 Animal production

0141 014100 家畜的饲养 Raising of livestock

0142 014200 饲养家禽及采蛋 Raising of poultry and eggs

0149 014900 其他动物的饲养 Raising of other animals

015 0150

015000 农牧混合 Mixed farming

016 0160

016000 农业辅助活动及农作物收成后处 理活动 Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities -

2 - 编码 Code 行业名称 Title

017 0170

017000 狩猎、捕捉及相关服务活动 Hunting, trapping and related service activities

02 020

0200 020000 林业活动 Forestry activities

03 捕鱼及水产养殖 Fishing and aquaculture

031 0310

031000 捕鱼 Fishing

032 0320

032000 水产养殖 Aquaculture B 采矿及采石 Mining and quarrying

05 050

0500 050000 煤和褐煤的采掘 Mining of coal and lignite

06 060

0600 060000 原油及天然气的开采 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas

07 070

0700 070000 金属矿的采掘 Mining of metal ores

08 080

0800 080000 采石及其他非金属矿的采掘 Quarrying and other mining of non-metal ores

09 090

0900 090000 矿物开采辅助服务活动 Mining support service activities C 制造 Manufacturing

10 食品的制造 Manufacture of food products

101 肉类的加工及腌制 Processing and preserving of meat

1011 101100 猪油及动物油的熬制 Rendering of lard and tallow

1012 101200 屠宰 Slaughtering

1013 101300 肉类的腌制 Meat preserving

1014 101400 屠宰业副产品的制造及加工(皮 革的鞣制和修整除外) Manufacture and processing of slaughtering by-products (excl. leather tanning and dressing)

102 1020

102000 鱼类、甲壳类及软体类动物食品 的加工及腌制 Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs

103 1030

103000 蔬果类食品的加工及腌制 Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables

104 1040

104000 动植物油脂的制造 Manufacture of plant and animal oils and fats

105 1050

105000 乳类制品的制造 Manufacture of dairy products

106 谷物磨粉制品、淀粉及淀粉制品 的制造 Manufacture of grain mill products, starches and starch products

1061 谷物磨粉制品的制造 Manufacture of grain mill products

106101 豆腐的制造 Manufacture of bean curd

106199 其他谷物磨粉制品的制造 Manufacture of grain mill products n.e.c.

1062 106200 淀粉及淀粉制品的制造 Manufacture of starches and starch products

107 其他食品的制造 Manufacture of other food products

1071 107100 烤烘食品的制造 Manufacture of bakery products

1072 107200 糖的制炼 Manufacture of sugar

1073 107300 可可、朱古力及糖果的制造 Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and confectionery

1074 107400 粉面及同类谷粉制品的制造 Manufacture of noodles and similar farinaceous products

1075 107500 预制膳食的制造 Manufacture of prepared meals and dishes

1079 其他食品的制造 Manufacture of other food products n.e.c.

107901 生雪的制造(乾冰除外) Ice manufacture (excl. dry ice)

107902 制茶 Manufacture of tea products

107903 咖啡制品的制造 Production of coffee products -

3 - 编码 Code 行业名称 Title

107904 食用香料、酱油及调味品的制造 Manufacture of spices, sauces and condiments

107999 其他杂项食品的制造 Manufacture of other miscellaneous food products n.e.c.

108 1080

108000 动物饲料的制造 Manufacture of prepared animal feeds

11 110 饮品的制造 Manufacture of beverages

1101 110100 啤酒的酿制 Manufacture of beer

1102 110200 非啤酒酒类的制造 Manufacture of alcoholic beverage other than beer

1103 110300 汽水的制造;

矿泉水及其他非酒 类饮品的制造 Manufacture of soft drinks;

production of mineral waters and other non-alcoholic drinks

12 120

1200 120000 烟草制品的制造 Manufacture of tobacco products

13 纺织品的制造 Manufactu........
