编辑: jingluoshutong 2015-05-01

s bank book 银行存折/银行卡复印件 2. Copy of identity documents or passport of Claimant /the insured (and their guardians)申请人/被保险人(及其监护人)的身份证件或护照复印件 3. Copy of the relationship proof to the insured person and guardian(if applicable)被保人与其监护人的关系证明复印件(如适用) 4. Copy of insured'

s passport with movement records(for international journey)护照出入境记录页及持有人页复印件(涉及境外旅行) 5. Proof of business travel issued by the employer(for business traveler)需提供由雇主出具的商务旅行证明(涉及逸行全球商务旅行) 6. Other documents as reasonably required by the Company in relation to this claim 保险公司要求提供的其他与索赔申请相关的证明和资料 * Claimed Item 索赔项目 Supporting Documents Required 索赔文件 Claimed Amount 索赔金额及币种 Death(Accident death, acute illness death 身故保险金(意外身故、 急性病身故) 1. Police report(if any)警方证明原件(如有) 2. Original medical records, doctor'

s diagnosis 完整的病历、诊断证明原件 3. Orginal death certificate issued by relevant authorities 公安部门或医疗机 构出具的被保险人死亡证明书 4. Declared death certificate issued by court(if applicable)人民法院出具的宣 告死亡证明文件(被保险人为宣告死亡 适用) 5. Original proof of cancellation of residential registration 户籍注销证明 原件或其他相关证明文件 6. Proof of identity documents of beneficiaries and relationship proof to the insured person 受益人的身 份证明及与被保人的关系证明原件 7. Letters of administration 继承人继承权及份额公证 书原件 Tuition grant for each legally child 未成年子女助学保障 6. Proof of identity documents of child and relationship proof to the insured person 未成年子女 的身份证明及与被保险人的关系证明 Credit card refund 信用卡还贷保障 6. Arrearage list of credit card up to the day of accident, the cardholder stubs, bills, invoices or receipt etc.信用卡截至意外事故发生当日为止的欠 费明细、持卡人存根、票据、单据及或付款收据等 7. Documentary proof of credit card issuing bank 信用 卡所属银行证明文件. Dismemberment /burns (including acute illness permanent disability)残疾/ 烧伤保险金 (包含急性病全残) 1. Original police report 警方证明原件 2. Original medical records, doctor'

s diagnosis 完整的病历、诊断证明原件 3. Original Dismemberment /burns Certificate issued by Grade 2A hospital or judiciary institutions. 二级以上(含二级)或本公司认可的医疗机构或司法鉴定机构出具的残疾或烧烫伤鉴定诊断书 The relatives go for funeral 亲属前往处理后事 1. Original proof of traveling and accommodation expenses and fueral expenses 交通费用、住宿 费用、丧葬费用等的正式发票证明或有效收据 2. Relationship proof to the insured person 与被保险人的关系证明 3. Original death certificate and residential registration cancellation certificate issued by relevant authorities 公安部门或医疗机构出具的被保险人死亡证明及户籍注销证明 4. Medical records of the insured person issued by hospital and proof of hospital days issued by attending doctor 医院出具的被保险人病例记录及主治医师出具的病重和预计住院时间的证明 Compassionate visit 亲属慰问探访 Repatriation of mortal remains 身故遗体/骨灰送返 Hijack被劫持 1. Local police report 当地警方的证明文件 Outpatient &
