编辑: yn灬不离不弃灬 | 2016-02-15 |
2018 总办事处 澳门上海街
175 号中华总商会大厦六楼 Tel : (853)
28781313 Fax : (853)28788233 成衣技术汇点 澳门渔翁街海洋工业中心第二期十楼 Tel : (853)
88980701 Fax : (853)28312079 数码汇点 澳门马统领街厂商会大厦三楼 Tel : (853)
88980601 Fax : (853)28373085
网址: http://www.
cpttm.org.mo 电子邮件: [email protected] 目的: 随著本地创意产业发展,电脑技术服务日渐普及.有见及此,澳门生产力暨科技转移中心成衣技术汇点添 置了一台单头电脑绣花机,利用简单方便的绣花打办软件,快速地做出绣花样办,协助时装设计学员或有 兴趣人士将其创意设计与电脑绣花技术结合,使学员们制作具有个人特色的产品. 服务对象: 本澳的制衣厂商、时装设计师、文创人士及设计学生等. 使用办法: 如需使用电脑绣花起办服务,只须填妥服务申请表连同绣花档案(储存在 USB 或磁碟上)及布料,送交成衣 技术汇点. 费用: 起办收费分两部份计算:
(一) 绣花针数 收费 每款首 1,000 针或以内(基本收费) MOP$10.00 1,000 针以上(按每针计算,以整元收费.) MOP$0.002
(二) 设计图打办费用(*如有需要,费用将按图案复杂程度作出适当调整) MOP$50.00 *收费总和 = 绣花针数 + 设计图打办费用 限制: 1. 图案尺寸最大不能超越 360mm x 500mm. 2. 绣花电脑软件接纳的图档为 JPG、BMP、TIFF 等图像格式. 3. 绣花只适用於平绣功能. 4. 客户自备之布片或成品需经由技术员确定是否可适用於本中心绣花机. 5. 如客户选择中心提供以外的绣花线色,需另行自备,并需经过技术员之测试才确定是否适用. 服务期: 交货期一般为成衣技术汇点落实资料后的五个工作天.但因应款式及数量,服务期会有所不同;
实际交办 日期需商议决定.客户如有特别要求,请注明.如客户在收货后三个工作天内没有向本中心提出问题,则 代表认可是次服务. 版权: 所有客户提供的设计图样均会被保密.假如 CPTTM 希望使用客户的设计图样,必先徵得客户的同意才进 行. 备注: 此服务适合设计样办绣花用途,并不适用大量生产,服务条款的解释权归 CPTTM 所有. ? 如欲查询服务详情,欢迎致电(+853)
88980701 与源先生或李小姐联络 ? 电脑绣花起办服务 Embroidery Service (SVC30-06-2008-AT) Updated on Mar 1,
2018 总办事处 澳门上海街
175 号中华总商会大厦六楼 Tel : (853)
28781313 Fax : (853)28788233 成衣技术汇点 澳门渔翁街海洋工业中心第二期十楼 Tel : (853)
88980701 Fax : (853)28312079 数码汇点 澳门马统领街厂商会大厦三楼 Tel : (853)
88980601 Fax : (853)28373085
网址: http://www.cpttm.org.mo 电子邮件: [email protected] Objective: With the development of the local creative industry, popularity of computer technology services increases. Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer House of Apparel Technology (CPTTM HAT) has decided to purchase a single-head computerized embroidery machine to offer embroidery service to the public. Using simple and convenient embroidery software, we can quickly create embroidery samples to help fashion design students or interested parties to integrate their innovative designs with computerized embroidery technology. This will enable them to create products with personal characteristics. Service Target: Garment factories, fashion designers, creative persons and design students . Service Terms: To use our computerized embroidery sample making service, all you need to do is to fill out the service application form and send it to HAT together with your embroidery design files (stored in the USB or disk) and materials. Fee: Embroidery sample making fee consists of two parts: 1. Embroidery based on number of stitches Charges First 1,000 stitches or under (base fee) MOP$10.00 Over 1,000 stitches (per stitch) MOP$0.002 2. Design Digitizing (Fee might be adjusted upward due to complexity of design) MOP$50.00 *Total Fee = Embroidery Fee + Design Digitizing Fee Terms & Conditions: 1. Size of the embroidery shall not exceed 360mm x 500mm. 2. Embroidery design file should be in JPG, BMP, or TIFF format. 3. Only flat embroidery is provided. 4. Fabrics and products provided by customer needed to be determined by technician whether it is applicable to the embroidery machine. 5. Should customer wish to use thread colors other than what HAT provides, customer can bring their own threads to HAT. Threads will need to be checked by HAT technician before being allowed to be used for embroidery sample making. Delivery: In general, sample will be ready within five working days after confirmation of design file and material by CPTTM-HAT. However, the delivery time will vary according to the style and quantity customer required. Actual delivery will negotiate case by case. If customer has special requirements, please specify clearly in the service application form. If the customer fails to question the center within