编辑: NaluLee 2016-10-02

138 Australian Rock Lobster (per 50g) 姜葱 Baked with ginger and chive 椒盐Deep-fried with spiced salt 小青龙(每只)

388 Baby Rock Lobster (per piece) 姜葱炒 Wok-fried with ginger and chive 芝士 Baked with cheese 蒜蓉蒸 Steamed with garlic 若您有任何膳食要求、食源性过敏或忌口,请告知我们的服务员. 所有价格为人民币,另加15%服务费. Please let one of our team members know if you have any special dietary requirements, food allergies or food intolerances. All prices are in RMB and subject to 15% service charge. 海鲜 Seafood 野山菌 蟹盖(每位)

88 Baked crab meat with mushrooms in crab shell (per person) 蟹粉豆腐

158 Braised beancurd with crab roe and crab meat 黄油鲜菇大明虾(每只)

168 Sautéed king prawn with butter and mushrooms (per piece) 干烧明虾球

188 Pan-fried prawns with rice wine and chili sauce 和味腰果明虾球

188 Sautéed prawns with cashew nuts 水晶河虾仁

288 Crystal river shrimps XO酱樱花虾炒带子

288 Sautéed sakura shrimps and scallops with XO sauce 黑菌酱双笋炒带子

288 Sautéed scallops with bamboo shoots and asparagus in truffle sauce 百花煎带子配鲜菌

288 Sautéed scallops with minced shrimp and fresh mushrooms 香煎鳕鱼配法国鹅肝汁

288 Pan-fried cod fish, French goose liver sauce 金腿冬笋蒸鲥鱼(半条)

358 Steamed shad fish with Jin Hua ham and bamboo shoot (half) 若您有任何膳食要求、食源性过敏或忌口,请告知我们的服务员. 标记为 是最受欢迎菜品.所有价格为人民币,另加15%服务费. Please let one of our team members know if you have any special dietary requirements, food allergies or food intolerances. All dishes marked with are signature dish. All prices are in RMB and subject to 15% service charge. 猪肉, 羊肉, 牛肉Pork / Lamb / Beef 红烧法国鹅肝狮子头(每只)

88 Stewed minced pork ball, French goose liver in soya sauce (per piece) 酱爆澳洲小羊排(每位)

98 Pan-fried Australian lamb in soya sauce (per person) 孜然冬笋炒澳洲羊肉

158 Sautéed diced Australian lambs with cumin and bamboo shoots 沪式豆干红烧肉

188 Braised pork belly with dried beancurd 苹果醋煎澳洲牛肉粒菌菇

358 Sautéed Australian beef cubes with mushrooms, apple vinegar 黑椒煎澳洲和牛肉(每位)

358 Pan-fried Australian Wagyu beef steak, black pepper sauce (per person) 若您有任何膳食要求、食源性过敏或忌口,请告知我们的服务员. 标记为 是最........
