编辑: 静看花开花落 2019-08-26
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82034358 印刷: 解放军报印刷厂 2017年2月8日 星期三出版 主编: 吴辉副主编: 柳鹏英文审校: 崔卫国 February 8,2017 Published on Wednesday Editor-in-Chief: Wu Hui Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Liu Peng English Reviser: Cui Weiguo A fter

18 days and 28,000 kilo- meters, the freight train pulled into London on time. Analysts say the historic journey also carried with it a political message C that Chi- na is forging new trade routes and new markets. Already,

15 European cities are served by freight trains from China as part of Beijing'

s One Belt, One Road initiative. (China'

s Silk Road Ambitions Reach London, VOA News) 历时

18 天且行程超过 2.8 万公 里, 中英货运列车终于如期抵达伦 敦.分析家表示, 这一历史性的旅 程具有政治意义, 即中国正在开辟 新的贸易路线、开拓新市场.目前, 已经有

15 个欧洲国家加入中欧 货运列车服务, 成为 一带一路 战 略的一个有机组成部分. ( 中欧班 列抵达伦敦, 丝绸之路建设迈出新 步伐 , 美国之音) Comment: This transportation shuttle starting from Yiwu Station of China, continu- ously sends the commodities outside this country and develops new mar- kets. China has shown its willing- ness much more to shoulder more re- sponsibility on the global stage. 点评 这趟从中国义乌站启程的班列, 不仅将中国商品源源不断地输 出到国外,开辟了新的市场,更展现了中国在国际舞台上承担更多责任的意愿. A s consumer electronics manu- facturing has moved to Asia, both Chinese companies and the nation'

s government laboratories are making major investments in arti- ficial intelligence. Now, increasing- ly, AI dudes are in China. The Unit- ed States no longer has a strategic monopoly on the technology, which is widely seen as the key factor in the next generation of warfare. (China Gains on the U.S. in the Artificial Intelli- gence Arms Race, The New York Times) 随着消费类电子产品制造转移 至亚洲, 中国的政府和企业都对人 工智能进行了大量的资金投入.现在, 中国的人工智能技术正迅速崛 起, 美国在此领域的技术垄断地位 被逐渐打破.而人工智能也成为了 竞争中的关键因素. ( 中国人工智 能或将赶超美国 , 纽约时报) Comment: In the old days, China'

s image overseas always cannot get rid of the imitation label, but now Chi- na'

s innovation achievements in ar- tificial intelligence also makes a lot of people become aware of the rise of China. 点评 过去, 中国在海外总是被贴上 模仿 的标签, 而如今, 中国在人 工智能领域不断迈出的创新步伐, 让很多人意识到中国力量不容小觑. (李倩) China houses

1 million domestic invention patents in

2016 2016年中国国内发明专利拥有量突破 件Lonely Planet Company wins trademark case in China Lonely Planet Company wins trademark case in China 美国 美国 孤星 孤星 在华赢得 在华赢得 LONELY PLANET LONELY PLANET 商标诉讼 商标诉讼 A trademark battle between the U.S. Lonely Planet Company and UPTOP Group was closed recently. The No.6337705 trademark LONE- LY PLANET and its figure were filed for registration by UPTOP Group in 2007, certified to be used in Class

18 products including wallet, bag, travel bag and briefcase. In January 2010, the registration was preliminary approved. Lonely Planet Company then filed an opposition to the Trademark Office (TMO) under State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) of China. After examination, TMO rejected Lonely Planet Company'

s opposition and approved the registration of LONELY PLANET and its figure. Lonely Planet Company filed an appli- cation to the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board (TRAB) for reex- amination. In November 2013, TRAB affirmed TMO'

s decision. The Lone- ly Planet Company brought the case to the Beijing No.1 Intermediate Peo- ple'

s Court. The Court held that the LONELY PLANET trademark of Lonely Planet Company enjoys high reputation be- fore the trademark in dispute filed for registration. The LONELY PLANET and its figure which certified to be used in travel products have a close re- lation with travel. The trademark in dispute has done damage to the prior right of Lonely Planet Company. The LONELY PLANET and its figure does not harm to Lonely Planet Company when certified to be used on wallet, bag, travel bag and briefcase products. So the Court revoked the decision made by TRAB and ordered TRAB to make new decision. Lonely Planet Company then brought the case to Beijing Higher People'

s Court to revoke the registra- tion of LONELY PLANET and its fig- ure on wallet, bag, travel bag and briefcase. After hearing, the Court held that LONELY PLANET and its figure certi- fied to be used on wallet, bag, travel bag and briefcase have close relationship with travel, and such trademark and fig- ure have done damage to the prior right of LonelyPlanetCompany,sothetrade- markindisputeshouldnotberegistered. So the Court ordered TRAB to make a newdecision. (by Wang Guohao)

本报记者 王国浩 美国孤星发行有限公司 (下称孤 星公司) 出版的 Lonely Planet 旅行指 南系列 图书畅销全球.然而, 孤星 公司却因为一件 LONELY PLAN- ET 及图 商标, 与中国一家主营旅行 装备产品的企业展开了一场商标战. 据了解, 第6337705 号 LONE- LY PLANET 及图 由华美集团(国际) 有限公司于

2007 年10 月提出注 册申请, 指定使用在第

18 类钱包、 背包、旅行包、公文包等商品上,并于2010 年1月,通过了初步审定并公告.在法定异议期内, 孤星公司向国 家工商行政管理总局商标局 (下称商 标局) 提出异议申请. 经审查, 商标局于

2012 年1月作 出裁定, 认为孤星公司所提异议理由 不成立,对 LONELY PLANET 及图 予以核准注册.孤星公司不服, 向商评委申请复审.2013 年11 月, 商评委作出复审裁定, 对 LONELY PLANET 及图 予以核准注册.孤星 公司向北京市第一中级人民法院提 起行政诉讼. 一审法院经审理认为, 在诉争商 标申请注册日前,孤星公司的商号 LONELY PLANET 具有较高知名 度. LONELY PLANET 及图 指定使用的旅行包、 旅行用具 (皮件) 、 旅 行用衣袋商品与旅行密切相关, 使用 在上述商品上时, 损害了孤星公司的 在先商号权益.而 LONELY PLANET 及图 指定使用的钱包、 背包、 公文包商品与旅行关联性不强, 在上述商品上申请注册未损害孤星 公司权益. 据此, 法院一审判决撤销商评委 作出的复审裁定, 并判令商评委重新 作出裁定. 孤星公司不服, 向北京市高级人 民法院提起上诉,请求撤销关于 LONELY PLANET 及图 使用在钱 包、 背包、 公文包商品予以核准注册 的认定. 二审法院经审理指出, LONE- LY PLANET 及图 指定使用的钱包、 背包、 公文包商品与旅行包等属于同 一类似群组, 且与旅行关系密切, 指定 使用在上述商品上时亦损害了孤星公 司的在先商号权益, 不应核准注册. 综上, 二审法院作出终审判决, 判令商评委重新作出裁定. 英文翻译 柳鹏Translator Liu Peng 责任编辑 孙迪Executive Editor Sun Di 实习编辑 李倩Practice Editor Li Qian 北京 上海 江苏 浙江 广东 天津 陕西 辽宁 安徽 山东 单位: 件Beijing Shanghai Jiangsu Zhejiang Guangdong Tianjin Shaanxi Liaoning Anhui Shandong 国家电网 华为 中石化 中兴 京东方 腾讯 格力 中石油 联想 华虹 单位: 件SGCC Huawei Sinopec ZTE BOE Tencent Gree PetroChina Lenovo Hua Hong I n 2016, the number of invention patents of China for the first time exceeded

1 million, sources from the press conference held by SIPO on January

19 said. According to the statistics, in 2016, SIPO received cumulatively 1.339 million invention patent applications, an increase of 21.5%, ranking the first position in the world for consecutive six years. SIPO granted 404,000 in- vention patents, 302,000 of which were granted to domestic applicants, up 14.5% . As of the end of 2016, the number of invention patents sto........
