编辑: 人间点评 2019-05-19

30 June

2018 (the Period ), together with the unaudited comparative figures for the corresponding periods in

2017 as follows: FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS The Company has been listed on GEM since

27 September 2017. The unaudited revenue of the Group amounted to approximately RMB25,387,000 (six months ended

30 June 2017: RMB24,446,000) for the Half-Yearly Period which represented an increase of RMB941,000 or 3.8% as compared with the corresponding period in 2017. The profit attributable to owners of the Company was RMB8,627,000 (six months ended

30 June 2017: RMB10,032,000) for the Half-Yearly Period, which represented a decrease of RMB1,405,000 or 14.0% as compared with the same period last year. The Board does not recommend the payment of an interim dividend for the Half-Yearly Period. 本公司的董事会 ( 「董事会」 ) 谨此提呈本公司及其 附属公司 (以下统称为 「本集团」 ) 截至2018年6月30 日止三个月 ( 「季度期间」 ) 及六个月 ( 「半年期间」 ) 之未经审核合并财务业绩,连同2017年同期之未 经审核比较数字如下: 财务摘要 本公司的股份自2017年9月27日起於联交所的GEM 上市. 本集团於半年期间的未经审核收益约为人民币25,387,000元 (截至2017年6月30日止六个月:人民 币24,446,000元) ,较2017年同期上升人民币941,000元或3.8%. 半年期间的本公司拥有人应占溢利为人民币8,627,000元 (截 至2017年6月30日止六个月:人民币10,032,000元) ,较去年同期减少人民币1,405,000元或14.0%. 董事会并不建议就半年期间派付中期股息.

5 TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CHINA WAN TONG YUAN (HOLDINGS) LIMITED (incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) Introduction We have reviewed the condensed consolidated financial statements of China Wan Tong Yuan (Holdings) Limited (the Company ) and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the Group ) set out on pages

7 to 49, which comprise the condensed consolidated statement of financial position as of

30 June

2018 and the related condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity and condensed consolidated statement of cash flows for the six-month period then ended, and certain explanatory notes. The Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on GEM........
