编辑: yyy888555 2019-07-01

0006 现行版本:0001 NT

130 马达安装说明书 Motor Installation Instructions - NT130 RD.0006 现行版本:0001 图1左侧为 NT130 ,中间为 NT130 入力主动齿轮,右边为马达. Picture 1: Left is NT130, Middle is NT130's input gear, Right is motor 图2.为方型垫片. Picture 2: Square gasket 图1.组装材料 Picture 1: Components 图2.组装材料 Picture 2: Square gasket NT130 NT130 入力主动齿轮 NT130's input gear 马达 Motor RD.0006 现行版本:0001 步骤 1.将键与马达键槽组合检查是否距离顶端 3mm. Step 1: Combine the key with the keyway of motor and check if the distance to the top is 3mm. 图3键槽与马达顶端间距 Picture 3: The distance between the keyway and thetop of the motor. 步骤 2.将NT130 入力主动齿轮键槽与马达出力轴上的键对正压入. Step 2: Combine input gear with the motor. 图4.安装 NT130 入力主动齿轮 Picture 4: Install NT130's input gear RD.0006 现行版本:0001 步骤 3.在入力主动齿轮与马达之间放入方型垫片. Step 3: Place square gasket between the motor and the input gear. 图5. 放入方型垫片 Picture 5: Put in the square gasket. 步骤 4.将两侧螺丝平均锁紧. Step 4:Tighten the screws of thetwo sides in equilibrium. 图6. 锁NT130 入力主动齿轮两侧螺丝 Picture 6:Tighten the screws of the both sides. RD.0006 现行版本:0001 步骤 5.将方型垫片抽出. Step 5: Pull out the square gasket. 图7.抽出垫片 Picture 7: Pull out the square gasket. 步骤 6.检查入力主动齿轮与马达之间高度,不能超过 55.2mm. Step 6: Check if the height between the input gear and the motor, is within 55.2 mm 图8.量测高度 Picture 8: Measure the height. RD.0006 现行版本:0001 步骤 7.将NT130 与马达结合,此时可旋转马达,让电源线旋转到适当位置. Step

7 : Combine NT130 with the motor and rotate the motor to let thepower cord be in the proper position. 图9. NT130 与马达结合 Picture 9: Combine NT130 with the motor. 步骤 8. 将M4x12L 螺丝锁上,先锁一侧螺丝(勿锁紧). Step 8: Lock the screw of one side, M4x12L (not too tight.) 图10.锁NT130 与马达一侧螺丝 Pciture10: Lock the screw of one side of NT130. RD.0006 现行版本:0001 步骤 9.再锁另一侧螺丝,接著两边平均锁紧. Step 9: Lock the screws of the other side. Then, tighten the screws of both sides in equilibrium. 图11.锁NT130 与马达另一侧螺丝 Picture 11: Lock the screws of the other side of NT130. 图12.NT130 安装成品图 Picture 12:The completeness of installment
