编辑: ACcyL 2019-07-03

2 seconds C. Rotate FUNCTION switch to G1 LEAKAGE and observe if short is removed. Several operations may be necessary. B- CLEAN ? ? ? ? BALANCE 1. Select gun to be cleaned when: ?Excessive G1 leakage is indicated in STEP2 but meter does not read full scale. ?Emission GOOD but too low to track with other guns. 2. Rotate FUNCTION switch to CLEAN?BALANCE. Wait

20 seconds. 3. Select gun to be cleaned, press and hold pushbutton. Meter will rise immediately. Release button and check for G1-K short. STEP 2- B 4. Return to READ EMISSION. Wait for reading to stabilize. Check all guns. Repeat STEP

4 and STEP

5 5. Repeat procedure if further improvement is required. If still unsuccessful proceed to C- REJUVENATE. C- REJUVENATE 1. Select gun to be restored when: ?Emission is in BAD region. ?TRACKING CANNOT BE CORRECTED BY CLEAN?BALANCE 2. Rotate FUNCTION switch to REJUVENATE. Wai........
