编辑: kieth | 2019-07-05 |
otherwise your investment instruction will be deemed invalid and the trustee shall be under no obligation to process the instructions. Your investment will be processed as indicated overleaf until further notice to the contrary is received from you by the Trustee. Default Investment Strategy ( DIS ) is a ready-made MPF investment strategy with fee caps, and also contains an automatic de-risking feature. Details of the constituent funds and DIS please refer to the offering documents which are available upon request from MPF intermediaries or at the Customer Service Centre, it can also be downloaded from website at http://www.bocpt.com. Members should note that investment markets could fluctuate significantly. Fund prices may go down as well as up. There is no guarantee that, given the time required to implement relevant investment instructions, such instructions will achieve your desired results. Please carefully consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances (as well as your own retirement plan) before making any investment choices. If in doubt, please contact your independent financial advisor for further details. Please note that when one or more of the specified instructions (including but not limited to redemption or switching instructions) are being processed on the annual date of de-risking for you, the annual de-risking will only take place after completion of these instructions where necessary. 阁下可随时透过以下途径作出有效的特定投资指示 You may make your valid specific investment instruction through the following channels at any time: (i) (iii) 互联网 Internet 智能手机或平板电脑应用程式 Smart phone or tablet apps (ii) (iv) 互动话音系统 Interactive Voice Response System 表格 Form 注意 注意 注意 注意: : : :如需於本部分作任何涂改 如需於本部分作任何涂改 如需於本部分作任何涂改 如需於本部分作任何涂改, , , ,请於涂改处旁加签作实 请於涂改处旁加签作实 请於涂改处旁加签作实 请於涂改处旁加签作实. . . . Note: Please countersign if any amendment is made in this part. FORM EC-SM-REBALANCE Version as at Aug
2018 2/2 *E0001* 乙部 乙部 乙部 乙部 PART B 投资指示 投资指示 投资指示 投资指示( ( ( (续续续续) ) ) ) INVESTMENT INSTRUCTION (CONTINUED) 投资选项 投资选项 投资选项 投资选项 Investment Choice 现有账户结余 现有账户结余 现有账户结余 现有账户结余(1),(3)&
(4) Existing Account Balance(1),(3)&
(4) 新供款 新供款 新供款 新供款(2)&
(3) Future Contributions (2)&
(3) 注意注意注意注意:::: 如有涂改如有涂改如有涂改如有涂改,,
请加签作实请加签作实请加签作实请加签作实.... Note: Please countersign if any amendment is made. 强制性供款 强制性供款 强制性供款 强制性供款 Mandatory Contribution 标准自愿性供款 标准自愿性供款 标准自愿性供款 标准自愿性供款(3) Standard Voluntary Contribution(3) 强制性供款 强制性供款 强制性供款 强制性供款 Mandatory Contribution 标准自愿性供款 标准自愿性供款 标准自愿性供款 标准自愿性供款(3) Standard Voluntary Contribution(3) ECDIS 预设投资策略 Default Investment Strategy % % % % ECCE 中银保诚中国股票基金 BOC-Prudential China Equity Fund % % % % ECHE 中银保诚香港股票基金 BOC-Prudential Hong Kong Equity Fund % % % % ECJE 中银保诚日本股票基金 BOC-Prudential Japan Equity Fund % % % % ECAE 中银保诚亚洲股票基金 BOC-Prudential Asia Equity Fund % % % % ECGE 中银保诚环球股票基金 BOC-Prudential Global Equity Fund % % % % ECHKT 中银保诚中证香港