编辑: jingluoshutong | 2019-07-07 |
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Through-Hole Type'
Type/ Power Resistance Tol TCR Max. Body Operating Product/Application Series (W) (Ohms)ppm/°C) Volts Sizes Temp (°C) Notes Open-Air Low Value 1W - .001? - .1? 1% - 10%
20 -
900 -- .4 L - -55°C to +275°C* Cost-effective performance 5W .8 L for a wide range of current/ sense shunt applications OA Series Zero-Ohm Jumpers 2A
134 L - -55°C to +155°C Developed for use as inter- ZJ, Z Series 25A .335 L connection devices on PCB. (12-26AWG) New! 25Amp (ZJ1206) chip Resistance Standards 1W .001? - 1T? .0005 - .01%
3 -
200 -- 4.5 L - 0°C to +40°C Exceptional performance A Series 5.5 L and excellent long-term stability Hermetic Sealed .1W - 10? - 10M? .01% - 1%
5 -
50 200 -
500 .272 L - -65°C to +175°C Hermetic sealed metal film HM Series 2W 1.102 L resistors are designed for severe environments Precision Metal Film 1/20W - 1? - 22.1M? .01% - 1%
5 -
100 200 -
500 .15 L - -55°C to +175°C MF is precision metal film. PMF, MF 2W 1.11 L PMF= +150°C PMF is ultra-precision Standard Metal Film .125W - 1? - 22.1M? .1% - 5%
25 -
100 200 -
500 .134 L - -55°C to +160°C General purpose metal film. GP,GPS,FP,FPS 2W .59 L GP is standard, FP is flame- proof, GPS &
FPS are mini size Metal Oxide .5W - .1? - 1M? 1% - 5%
100 -
200 300 -
800 .25 L - -55°C to +235°C RSF is standard metal oxide, RSF, RMF 9W 2.08 L RMF= +200°C RMF is miniature size Miniature Power Film .5W - .1? - 1M? .1% - 5%
25 -
200 200 -
500 .15 L - -55°C to +175°C Miniature size enables MG, FS 3W .58 L FS= +200°C significant space savings Carbon Film .125W - 1? - 100M? 2% - 10%
200 -
1000 200 -
650 .145 L - -55°C to +155°C Designed for general CF Series 3W .71 L purpose applications. New miniature sizes and high voltage version available High Voltage .125W - 1K? - 10T? .05% - 5%
15 -
1500 300 - 90K .134 L -55°C to +155°C RG is semi-precision. RG,RH,RP 20W 7.48 L RP= +225°C RH is high precision RP is professional grade High Resistance Film 1W - 1K? - 200T? 1% - 10%
25 -
3500 1K - 12KV 1.1 L - -55°C to +150°C Suited for high ohmic and UHV Series 2W 1.875 L (UHV3 -40°C to +100°C) voltage applications from general purpose to hi-rel High Surge Comp .25W - 1? - 10M? 5% - 20% .15%/ °C
250 -
2600 .25 L - -55°C to +125/230°C Solid bulk composition PCN Series 400W Max. 17.72 L enables high pulse/surge Typical applications include snubber, lightning, in-rush Radial Lead MegOhm .25W - 300K? - 1G? .1% - 1%
25 -
350 400 -
500 .29 L - -55°C to +175°C Designed for precision BC Series .75W .31 L high megohm requirements where space is at premium TO-style Power Film 10W - .01? - 56K? .1% - 5%
25 -
250 300 -
500 TO126, -55°C to +155°C Heat-sink mounted. MP, HDP 140W TO220, HDP= +200°C Excellent high frequency TO247 performance Visit www.rcdcomponents.com for detailed data sheets on surface mount and through-hole products. Micro-Miniature Film .05W - 1? - 10M? 2% - 10%
25 -
250 50 -
100 .075 L - -55°C to +125°C World'
s smallest axial-lead MFA Series .1W .13 L resistors! Originally devel- oped for aerospace HM60 BC630 Ultra Precision .125W - 10? - 10M? .001% - 1% .25 -
50 250 -
500 .32 L - -55°C to +175°C World'
s best TCR! HP, VS Series 2W 1.2 L VS2 is RNC90Y equivalent Unsurpassed performance meets or exceeds MIL55182 RESISTORS (Sec.
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Through-Hole Type'
Type/ Power Resistance Tol TCR Max. Body Operating Product/Application Series (W) (Ohms)ppm/°C) Volts Sizes Temp (°C) Notes High Power/Voltage 2W - 50K? - 5T? .1 - 20%