编辑: 鱼饵虫 | 2019-09-15 |
一、 根据已知资料回答以下单选题,请在答题纸上作答(每题
2 分, 共40 分) 1-5:AACBA 6-10:CDAAA 11-15:BDBCC 16-20:ADABD
1 分,共20 分) 1. 提单中错误的地方有: 1. 提单号不对,应为:DTITO17090304 2. 收货人不对,应为:TO ORDER(做成凭指示抬头) 3. 航次号不对,应为:V.606S 4. 装运港不对,应为:NEW DELHI 5. 目的港不对,应为:SHANGHAI 6. 货描不对,应为: SILK PILLOW 7. 毛重总重量不对,应为:7,500KGS 8. 总体积不是 120,应为:3M3 9. 运费支付不应为 FREIGHT COLLECTED,应为:FREIGHT PREPAID 10. 提单日期不对,应为:APR. 30,
2017 2. 保险单中错误的地方有: 1. 被保险人名称不对,应为: DASHAN CORPORATION 2. 保险货物项目不对,应为: SILK PILLOW 3. 包装件数不对,应为:50 4. 保险金额不对,应为:USD60,500.00 5. 承保险别不应是 ICC(C),应为:ICC(A) 6. 货物标记中的目的港不是 NEW DELHI,应为:SHANGHAI 7. 总保险金额不对,应为:SAY U.S.DOLLARS SIXTY THOUSAND AND FIVE HUNDRED ONLY 8. 航次号不对,应为: V.606S 9. 赔款偿付地点不对,应为:SHANGHAI 10. 保险单日期不对,应为:APR.30,
三、根据下述信用证及相关资料缮制单据. (共40 分) 1. 汇票(10 分) BILL OF EXCHANGE Drawn under: (1)CENTRAL BANK OF SRILANKA L/C N0. (2)LLC179110987 Dated: (3)AUG. 20,
2017 No.(4)SK1700681 Exchange for(5) USD56,800.00 SHANGHAI Date: At (6)****** sight of this FIRST of Exchange(Second of Exchange being unpaid) pay to the order of (7) BANK OF CHINA, SHANGHAI BRANCH the sum of (8) SAY U.S.DOLLARS FIFTY SIX THOUSAND AND EIGHT HUNDRED ONLY. To: (9) CENTRAL BANK OF SRILANKA (10) SHANGHAI SHANKE TRADING CO.,LTD. 夏燕 2. 商业发票(18 分) 商业发票Commercial Invoice 1.出口商 Exporter (1)SHANGHAI SHANKE TRADING CO.,LTD.
17 CHUNJIU ROAD,SHANGHAI,CHINA 4.发票日期和发票号 Invoice Date and No. (4)NOV. 10,2017. SK1700681 5.合同号 Contract No. (5) SK1708022 6.信用证号 L/C No. (6) LLC179110987 2.进口商 Importer (2)RICHARD NATURAL PRODUCT LTD. 310, NAWINNA MAHARAGAMA, SRILANKA. 7.原产地国 Country/region of origin (7) P.R. CHINA 8.贸易方式 Trade mode GENERAL 3.运输事项 Transport details (3)FROM SHANGHAI,CHINA TO COLOMBO,SRILANKA BY SEA 9.交货和付款条款 Terms of delivery and payment (8) CIF L/C AT SIGHT 10.运输标志和 集装箱号码 Shipping marks;
Containe r No. (9) SHANKE COLOMBO NOS.1-50 11.包装类型及件数;
商品描述 Number and kind of packages;
Commodity No.;
Commodity description (10)
5803100000 (12) AUG. 20,
2017 (13)CENTRAL BANK OF SRILANKA 12.数量 Quantity (14) 10,000 PCS 13.单价 Unit price (15) CIF COLOMBO USD5.68/PC 14.金额 Amount (16) USD56,800.00 15.总值(用数字和文字表示)Total amount(in figure and word) (17) SAY U.S. DOLLARS FIFTY SIX THOUSAND AND EIGHT HUNDRED ONLY 16.出口商签章 Exporter stamp and signature (18) SHANGHAI SHANKE TRADING CO.,LTD 夏燕 3.产地证(12 分) ORIGINAL 1.Exporter Certificate No. (1) SHANGHAI SHANKE TRADING CO.,LTD.
17 CHUNJIU ROAD,SHANGHAI,CHINA CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 2.Consignee (2) RICHARD NATURAL PRODUCT LTD. 310, NAWINNA MAHARAGAMA, SRILANKA. 3.Means of transport and route 5.For certifying authority use only (3) FROM SHANGHAI,CHINA TO COLOMBO,SRILANKA BY SEA 4.Country / region of destination (4)SRILANKA 6.Marks and numbers 7.Number and kind of packages;
description of goods 8.H.S.Code 9.Quantity 10.Number and date of invoices (5) (6)50(FIFTY)CARTONS OF (7)5803100000 (8)10,000 PCS (9)SK1700681 SHANKE PROCESS PLATE COLOMBO 10)NOV. 10,2017 NOS.1-50 11.Declaration by the exporter The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements are correct, that all the goods were produced in China and that they comply with the Rules of Origin of the People's Republic of China. 12.Certification It is hereby certified that the declaration by the exporter is correct. (11)SHANGHAI(12)NOV. 12,2017.(2017 年11 月10-17 日之间皆可) Place and date, signature and stamp of authorized signatory Place and date, signature and stamp of certifying authority