编辑: 雨林姑娘 | 2019-07-11 |
7 2008年7月第775―780页AC'
2008 pp.775―780 冷轧301L奥氏体不锈钢的变形和应变硬化行为 刘伟 李强 焦德志 (北京交通大学机械与电子控制工程学院,北京100044) 郑毅 李国平 (钢铁研究总院,北京100044) (山西太钢不锈钢股份有限公司,太原030000) 士 摘要 研究了suS301L和CN301L奥氏体不锈钢HT(high te瑚ile,4/4H)和D【JT(deadline te璐ile,1/4H)两个硬 化等级冷轧板材的变形和应变硬化行为及其应变诱发Q7马氏体转变.所有30lL冷轧板拉伸试样近断口处都发生了85%以上的 马氏体相变,轧制变形量增加,室温拉伸应变诱发马氏体转变开始的应变减小,但未增加马氏体转变饱和值.CN301L中C和N 的含量高于相同硬化等级的SUS301L,导致它们变形和硬化行为不同.C和N的含量较高,对一y相和07相的固溶强化效果增 强,冷轧奥氏体不锈钢无需发生大量马氏体转变就能达到要求的高屈服强度,保证冷轧板材具有较好的塑性和一定的成型能力;
C和N含量较高,还增加奥氏 体的稳定性,将拉伸过程中应变诱发马氏体转变推迟到较高应变发生,延长应变硬化行为的第二阶段,增强相变增塑效应. 关键词 30lL冷轧板,C,N,应变硬化,马氏体转变,相变增塑 中图法分类号 TGll3 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0412―1961(2008)07一0775一06 DEFoRMATIoN AND STRAIN HARDENING BEHAVIoRS oF AUSTENITIC CoLD RoLLED 301L STAINLESS STEELS 三,U W酣,三,Qio佗口,JL4 D De砘t School of Mechanical,Electronic and Contml Engineering,Beijing Jiaotong UniⅦ珀ity'
100044 ZHENG Yi China Iron&
Steel鼬8earch In8titute Group,Beijing
100044 LI Guop讥g ShanXi Taig肌g Stainle88 Steel Co.Ltd,Taiyuan
030000 CTD玎.espD礼de竹芒?工,U肌i,口ssoci口钯p嗽ssDr,死Z?pJ砂以跚9船,上弘m Manuscript received 2007_10-15,in revi8ed form 2008_01_08 ABSTRACT Deformations and strair卜hardening behaviors嬲weU as strain induced martensite tran8formation were investigated for two commercial c01d rolled stainless steels,SUS301L and CN301L, in both HT(high te瑚ile,4/4H)and Du'
(deadline teIlsile'
1/4H)work hardening grade conditions. The锄ount of marteIl8ite induced by strain to failure at room temperature can reach over 85%(v01ume fractionl near行acture surface for the tested steel8. The lligher the c01d rolled strain,the smaller the 8train needed by marteIlsite transfbrmation onset,but it didn7t increase the sa土urated砌oun七of martensite.Di任breIlt earbon and nitrogen contents lead to di髓rent deforma土ions and strair卜hardening behaviors in the 8ame cold roUing hardened grade 301Ls.Higher carbon and nitrogen contents made c01d roUed steels obtaining the required high yield 8tren或h but less a7一martensite,and inhere better plasticity and pla8tic processing capability.Cold roUed 301L also got higher strain―hardening rate and flow stress due to Q,.marteIlsite with more carbon and nitrogen. a,_martensite tr觚lsformation w嬲defbrred to higher tensile 8train because of more carbon and nitrogen in austenite,which enhanced the tran8fbrmation induced plasticity of 301L cold roUed steels. KEY WoRDS 301L cold r01led steel,c跗bon and nitrogen,strain h盯deIling,m盯te瑚ite transfo]卜mation,traIlsformation induced plasticity 木收到初稿日期:2007―10一15,收到修改稿日期:2008-旬1―08 作者简介:刘伟,女,1963年生,副教授 奥氏体不锈钢代表着一个庞大的合金系和应用领域, 它不但耐腐蚀、抗氧化,还具有很高的加工硬化率和相变 增塑(TmP:tra瑚formation induced plasticity)效应, http://www.paper.edu.cn 中国科技论文在线