编辑: 学冬欧巴么么哒 2019-07-11

80 years by Telemecanique and Merlin Gerin. It proposes a global and consistent offer of type approved prod- ucts, systems and services dedicated to marine ship- building and operation.

3 施耐德电气: 长期的合作伙伴 Schneider Electric: a long haul partnership 专业优势 Bene?tfromanexpertonboard 施耐德电气汇集了旗下TE电器、梅兰日兰业界领导者的经验,是海事领域中 的重要厂商.它的核心理念是其经营的基础,即无论何时,安全性与经济性 都取决于自动化和电力配电系统的可靠性.施耐德电气的机构遍布全球,能 充分贴近您的需求,确保完美的服务质量. 施耐德电气提供综合全面而持续一致的自动化控制及配电解决方案,能确保船 舶随时得到安全的电能. 依靠在研发和工程方面的丰富资源,施耐德电气具有相当的竞争实力,无论 是设计改造还是实施相关的解决方案,都能满足您的特定需求: 工程和安装 改造 维护 备件 现场操作 培训 从最初的设计阶段一直到船舶的投入使用期间,我们都能保证为您提供专业 的支持,让我们的解决方案更加适应您的特定需求,包括降低成本、物流保 障、项目实施、维护和翻新等方面. 选择施耐德电气,便意味着您可以依托其全球范围内的服务体系,在欧洲、 北美洲、南美洲、中东和亚洲的主要港口获得支持. 我们的专家团队的专业水平来源于不间断的技术培训,这保证了我们的专 家能充分深入地了解各种类型的船舶系统,并对特殊的海事规范有着丰富 的经验.无论在世界上任何地方,我们的专家都能够以最快的速度解决您 遇到的各种问题. 解决方案与服务: 特有的竞争优势 Solutions and services: a unique set of competencies Gathering under a unique flag the expertise of leaders such as Telemeca- nique or Merlin Gerin, Schneider Electric is a key-player in marine. Its knowl- edge is fundamental, whenever safetyand economical performance depend on the reliability of automation and electrical distribution systems.Present all over the world, Schneider Electric always remains very close to your needs and guarantees the impeccable quality of the services it provides. Schneider Electric proposes comprehensive and consistent solutions for au- tomation, control and electrical distribution to ensure the availability of safe energy on board. Owing to outstanding resources in the field of R&

D and engineering, Sch- neider Electric proposes all the competencies to design and implement rel- evant solutions to satisfy your speci?c requirements: engineering and installation retro?t maintenance spare parts on-site operation training From the early design stage, and throughout ship life, you are ensured of expert assistance to adapt our solutions to your speci?c needs: economical, logistical, implementation, maintenance and refurbishing. With Schneider Electric, you can rely on a world-wide presence, close to the main harbours in Europe, North America, Southern Africa, Middle East and Asia. The professionalism of our expert teams relies on a continuous technical training. It ensures them thorough knowledge of every type of on-board system.In addition to their considerable experience of speci?c marine con- straints, our experts can be immediately operational and solve any kind of challenge, everywhere in the world.

4 我们的供货范围 OurScopeofSupply 中压配电柜 - Mcset Marine 中压马达控制中心 - MotorpactTM 中压环网柜 - RM6 MV/LV &

LV/LV 变压器 - 树脂浇注式,油浸式等 低压配电板 - MB301M,Okken Marine 电网管理系统 - PMS, See Fox 报警监测系统 - Maestro Micro 电力和照明分配电板 岸电箱 组合启动屏和磁力启动器 电工试验板 充放电板 集控台、驾控台、桥翼控制台 不间断电源 (UPS) - MGE 中压配电元器件 - 开关,熔丝,断路器,接触器,数字保护 低压配电元器件 - 空气断路器,塑料外壳断路器,微型断路器,接地漏电 保护和绝缘监控,控制/监控测量设备,功率因数校正与谐波滤波,防水配 电箱,工业插头与插座 工业控制元器件 - 接触器,过载继电器,电机保护断路器,启动开关,启 动器安装附件,智能电机启动器和控制器,限位开关,接近传感器,光电 传感器,压力传感器,识别系统,视觉系统,安全类产品,按钮和指示 灯,凸轮开关,控制按钮盒,报警灯柱,工业机柜,变频器,软启动,运 动控制 自动化器件 - PLC,逻辑智能继电器, 接口与分布式I/O,时间继电器,控 制测控继电器,计数器,开关电源与安全隔离变压器,插入式中间继电 器,接线端子,文本显示,图形终端 CCTV
