编辑: gracecats | 2019-07-12 |
智能化电器能够以数 字化方式获取和监测工作范围内的各项电气参数, 进行智能化判断, 控制和保护被操控对象, 并且具有比较 完备的自身监测、 诊断和保护功能.对电力设备进行全寿命管理, 可以更加科学地把握电力设备的运行状 态, 预防性地进行设备维护, 从而提高系统整体可靠性和安全性.利用大数据技术对电力设备的状态数据 进行分析, 实现全寿命周期管理是发展的趋势.未来电力设备制造企业提供的不再是单纯的装备产品, 其 需要利用大数据技术通过物联网掌握电力设备的运行状态, 为电力设备运行客户提供全方位的技术服务. 关键词: 智能电器;
服务提供商 Internet of Things, Big Data, Intelligent Electrical Apparatus―the Future Development of Power Equipment WANG Jianhua, ZHANG Guogang, SONG Zhengxiang, GENG Yingsan (State Key Lab of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, Xi'
an Jiaotong University, Xi'
an 710049, China) Abstract: As more information technologies have been utilized in power equipment and power system,intelligent electrical equipment came into being and have been developing rapidly. The intelligent electrical apparatus has the function of digitalizing and monitoring the electrical parameters to implement judgement and then control and protect the supervised objects in a smart way, besides self?monitoring, self?diagnosing and protection. It is more reasonable to analyze and determine the condition of in?service power equipment and take a predictive maintenance by using the life?cycle management method, so as to improve the reliability and safety of the whole electrical system. It becomes an unreversed tendency to implement the life?cycle management of power equipment, through processing the online monitoring parameters of power equipment with the big data related technologies. In the future, the manufactures of power equipment should provide overall and profound services for their customers, that is, to become service provid? ers,not just provide the physical products of power equipment,with acquiring the running parameters of power equipment by internet of things and analyzing the lifetime state of them based on big data technologies. Key words: intelligent electrical apparatus;
big data;
life?cycle management;
service provider
0 引言 能源是人类文明的基础, 工业生产、 交通运输、 城市建设等的发展依赖对能源的消耗.据测算,
2014 年至
2035 年世界能源消耗将增加 34%, 其中, 清洁的可再生能源按照每年 6.6%的速率增长, 已成 为发展最快的能源类型[1] .电能易于传送和管理, 是最佳的二次能源.近年来, 太阳能发电和风能发 电、 电动汽车、 云计算等产业的高速发展, 其要求更 加高效地进行电能的转换、 传输和利用, 智能电网 已成为下一代电网的发展方向[2] .智能电器是构建 智能电网的物质基础.一方面智能电器能够以数 字化方式获取和监测各项现场参数, 提交给后台系 统进行处理, 从而做出智能化判断, 进行就地或远 第54卷第7期: 0001-0009 2018年7月16日High Voltage Apparatus Vol.54, No.7: 0001-0009 Jul. 16,