编辑: 达达恰西瓜 2019-07-12

1 State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi'

an Jiaotong University, Xi'

an 710049, China.

2 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'

an University of Technology, Xi'

an 710048, China.

3 Theoretical Division, LosAlamos National Laboratory, LosAlamos, New Mexico 87545, USA.Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to D.X. (email: [email protected]) orG.Z. (email: [email protected]) received: 13October

2015 accepted:

01 June

2016 Published:

22 June

2016 OPEN

2 correlation between λ2?=??1 and Δ? T has been confirmed for Ti-Ni-Au, Ti-Ni-Pt and Ti-Ni-Pd ternary systems by various authors5,18C20 . However, the use of GNLTM theory to design new SMAs requires a priori knowledge of crystal symmetry and lattice parameters, or the relationship between lattice parameters and alloying elements so that λ2 can be evaluated in advance. The access of those information beforehand requires a lot of experimental efforts, especially for multicomponent systems. Thus, a simple strategy that can use the knowledge available to guide the design of SMAs with small Δ? T is highly desireable. In the present study, we propose that a compositional crossover region between two different types of mar- tensitic transformations can give rise to small Δ? T. Figure?1 shows our idea for designing new SMAs with small thermal hysteresis. Upon cooling, the martensitic transformation in some SMAs is accompanied by an increase in electrical resistance across the transformation from A to M (shown in Fig.?1(a)........
