编辑: 丶蓶一 2019-09-11
a art.

一(个),每一(个) I work eight hours a day. 我一天工作八小时. A square has four sides. 正方形有四条边. He is a teacher. 他是个老师. abandon vt.丢弃,放弃,抛弃 I was obliged to abandon that idea. 我不得不放弃那个想法. He abandoned his wife. 他遗弃了他的妻子. ability n.能力,能耐,本领 He has the ability to do his job well. 他有力干好他的工作. An employer should appraise the ability of his employees. 雇主应该能够鉴定员工的能力. Birds have the inborn ability to fly. 鸟生来就会飞. able a.有能力的,出色的 I shall be able to go tomorrow. 明天我能去. He is an able man. 他是一个能干的人. aboard ad.在船(车)上,上船 Jack has gone aboard the plane. 杰克已上飞机了. about prep.关于,在…周围 Tell me something about your trip. 说说你旅游的情况吧. Something unusual is about to happen. 某种不寻常的事即将发生. above prep.在…上面,高于 Above all, I love Mark Twain. 首先,我喜欢马克吐温. Our plane is flying above the clouds. 我们的飞机在云层上飞行. abroad ad.(在)国外,到处 He is determined to go abroad to pursue his further study. 他下定决心出国留学. He went abroad to preach Christianity to the heathen. 他到国外去向异教徒宣传基督教. When Uncle Bill went abroad to live, he left me his watch as a souvenir. 比尔叔叔出国时把表留给我作为纪念品. He'

s never been abroad. 他从未到国外去过. absence n.缺席,不在场,缺乏 He was always absence in his mind. 他总是心不在焉. absent a.不在场的,缺乏的 He is absent from the meeting. 他今天开会缺席. Three witnesses gave testimony that he was absent at that time. 三名证人作证说在那个时候他没有来. She has been absent from school for several days. 她已经好几天没来学校了. absolute a.绝对的,纯粹的 It is an absolute fact. 这是一个无疑的事实. absorb vt.吸收,使专心 A blotter absorbs ink. 吸墨纸会吸水. He is absorbed in his book. 他专心读书. abstract a.抽象的 n.摘要 Beauty is abstract. 美是很抽象的. He is not in the least interested in abstract art. 他对抽象派艺术毫无兴趣. abundant a.丰富的,大量的 An abundant harvest is in prospect. 丰收在望. The river is abundant in fish. 河里有很多雨. abuse vt.滥用,虐待 n.滥用 You can'

t abuse your power. 你不能滥用权力. He abused his kids. 他虐待小孩. academic a.学院的,学术的 It'

s an academic transcript. 这是学生成绩报告单. The academic year is divided into two terms. 一学年分成两学期. A good historian must have an academic mind. 出色的历史学家必须有学术头脑. academy n.私立中学,专科院校 Our professor is an academician of the Science Academy. 我们的教授是科学院的院士. accelerate vt.(使)加快,促进 He decided to accelerate his output. 他决定增加产量. accent n.口音,腔调,重音 He speaks with a strong southern accent. 他说话带有很浓的南方口音. His accent repels me. 他说话的腔调使我厌烦. accept vt.vi.接受,同意 I don'

t want to accept the gift from him. 我不想收他的礼物. I am happy to accept your invitation. 我很高兴接受你的邀请. I had no alternative but to accept his offer. 我除了接受他的提议之外,别无选择. acceptance n.接受,验收,承认 The child won acceptance by the teacher. 孩子得到了老师的喜爱. access n.接近,通道,入口 The only access to the city is across the bridge. 到城里唯一的通路是经过一座桥. accident n.意外的,事故 He was killed in a car accident. 他死于车祸. I met Boca by accident in the cinema. 我偶然在电影院遇到了布卡. accidental a.偶然的,非本质的 Their meeting was quite accidental. 他们的相遇是很偶然的. accommodation n.适应,调解,膳宿,贷款 Accommodation is expensive in Beijing. 北京住房昂贵. accompany vt.陪同,伴随 She was accompanied by her elder sister. 她有姐姐陪伴. accomplish vt.达到(目的),完成 I accomplished two hours'

work before lunch. 我在午饭前完成了两小时的工作. accord vt.使一致,给予 His opinion always accords with mine. 他的意见与我的总是很一致. according to my watch, it is already

2 o'

clock. 我的表现在已经是两点了. accordance n.一致,和谐 I'

m always in accordance with Jack. 我和杰克在很多问题上意见一致. accordingly ad.因此,依照 You may arrange this accordingly. 你可以权宜处理这件事. account n.记述,解释,帐目 Lauren could not account for her mistake. 劳伦无法解释自己的错误. The accounts show that the company has spent more than it received. 账目显示这个公司已经入不敷出了. accountant n.会计,会计师 He is going to be an accountant. 他即将成为会计师. accumulate vt.积累 vi.堆积 Snow accumulated to a depth of

12 feet. 雪已积到十二英尺深. accuracy n.准确(性),准确度 He aimed at accuracy and perfection. 他力求准确和完美. I doubt the accuracy of his statement. 我怀疑他的话的正确性. accurate a.准确的,正确无误的 She gave an accurate account of the case. 她对事故做了准确的描述. accuse vt.指责,归咎于 She accused him of stealing her bicycle. 她控告他偷窃自行车. accustomed a.惯常的,习惯的 These people are accustomed to hard work. 这些人惯于艰苦的工作. The young man has been accustomed to hard work. 那青年已经习惯于辛苦的工作了. ache vi.痛,想念 n.疼痛 My head ached all night. 我的头疼了一夜. achieve vt.完成,实现,达到 The actor achieved fame at the age of 22. 那位演员22岁时就成名了. achievement n.完成,成就,成绩 His achievement gratified his parents. 他的成就让他的父母高兴. Flying across the Pacific for the first time was a great achievement. 首次飞越太平洋是一个伟大的功绩. acid n.酸,酸的,酸性的 The acid rain is threatening world environment. 酸雨危害环境. acknowledge vt.承认,感谢 It is universally acknowledged that the US is a strong country. 大家公认美国是个强大的国家. acquaintance n.认识,了解,熟人 He is not a friend of mine, only an acquaintance. 他不是朋友我的,只是个熟人. acquire vt.取得,获得,学到 We should work hard to acquire a good knowledge of French. 我们必须用功学习才能精通法语. acquisition n. 获得,添加的物品 This bookcase is my latest acquisition. 这个书架是我最新购置的. acre n.英亩(=6.07亩) He ploughed an acre in six hours. 他六小时犁一英亩地. across prep.横过,在…对面 Let'

s go for a run across the fields. 咱们去跑步,跑过那片田野吧. The dog led the blind man across the road. 狗领着盲人过了马路. We came across a new phrase in the text. 我们在课本里看到了一个新成语. act vi.行动,见效 n.行为 Think before you act! 三思而后行! It is not the act of a gentleman. 这不是绅士的行为. We sometimes act on instinct. 我们有时凭直觉而行动. action n.行动,作用,功能 His heroic action has left a deep impression on people'

s minds. 他的英雄行为在人民心里留下了深刻的印象. actions are more important than words. 做比说更重要. active a.活跃的,积极的 The market is very active. 市场非常活跃. He was active in organizing student meetings. 他积极组织学生集会. activity n.活动,活力,行动 activities take up too much of our time. 活动占去了我们太多的时间. actor n.男演员 The actor achieved fame at the age of 22. 那位演员22岁时就成名了. The actor plays well. 这个演员演得很好. actress n.女演员 My aunt is an actress. 我的姑姑是演员. actual a.实际的,现行的 I can give you the actual figures. 我能举出实际数字. acute a.尖的,锐的,敏锐的 He has had an acute analysis of the situation. 他对形势做了深刻的分析. ad n.=advertisement 广告 adapt vt.使适应,改编 You should adapt yourself to the new class. 你应该适应新班级. It is really hard for Jim to adapt to the new environment. 吉姆很难适应新的环境. add vt.添加,附加,掺加 I should add that we are very lucky. 我要补充的是我们非常幸运. We should add this clause to the contract. 我们应该在合同里面加上这一条. addition n.加,加法,附加物 In addition to the thick fog, there was a heavy swell. 除浓雾之外又有滚滚大浪. I minored in literature in addition to art. 我除了辅修艺术以外还辅修文学. additional a.附加的,追加的 There will be no additional charges for this service. 此项服务没有附加费用. address n.地址,演说,谈吐 Put down your address clearly. 地址请写清楚. Please don'

t address me as '


. 不要叫我 老板 . adequate a.足够的,可以胜任的 We had adequate food and drink for a week'

s journey. 我们有足够的食物和饮料,可以做一星期的旅行. adjective n.形容词 a.形容词的 The word bad is an adjective. 坏 是形容词. adjust vt.调整,调节,校正 It is difficult for the old man to adjust to city life. 这个老人很难适应城市生活. administration n.管理,管理部门 It is an administration captained by Mr. Brown. 这是以布朗先生为首的内阁. admire vt.钦佩,羡慕,赞赏 We admire his continuance of work. 我们佩服他连续工作的精神. I admire her for her perseverance. 我敬佩她的毅力. admission n.允许进入,承认 Admission to the concert costs $2. 音乐会的入场券两美元一张. Justine and I got admission at the same time. 贾斯汀和我同时收到录取通知. admit vt.承认,准许…进入 No one but ticket-holders is admitted. 凭票入内. adopt vt.收养,采用,采取 I have decided to adopt a child. 我决定领养一个孩子. Mr. Kane adopted the orphan. 凯恩先生收养了那个孤儿. adult n.成年人 a.成年的 The adults should have taught them these skills. 大人们应该已经教给他们这些技术了. advance vi.前进,提高 n.进展 They retreated before the advance of the enemy. 他们在敌人进军的威........
