编辑: 雨林姑娘 | 2019-10-25 |
现任南京大学地理与海洋科学学院副教授、自然地理系党支部副书记、系主任助理.主要从事地貌过程与环境变化、干旱区地理方面的研究.曾赴美国威斯康星大学、荷兰自由大学、瑞典乌普萨拉大学访问学习.主持和参加多项国家自然科学基金项目、国家重点研发项目和中荷国际合作项目等.在包括Nature Index期刊(Geology、EPSL)和高影响因子期刊等国内外重要刊物上发表论文30余篇,论文引用超过500多次.曾获教育部自然科学一等奖、全国高校GIS教学成果特等奖、南京大学优秀博士论文、美国地质学会旅行资助等奖励. 研究方向:地貌过程与环境变化、干旱区地理??? 联系方式:[email protected] ResearchGate 链接 Google Scholar 链接 【科研项目】 [1]???? ??Zhiwei Xu*, Thomas Stevens, Shuangwen Yi, Joseph A.?Mason, Huayu Lu. Seesaw pattern in dust accumulation on the Chinese Loess Plateau forced by late glacial shifts in the East Asian monsoon. Geology, 2018, 46: 871-874,?doi: 10.1130/G45105.1. (SCI一区TOP期刊, Nature Index刊物)? [2]???? ??Zhiwei Xu*, Rui Hu, Kexin Wang, Joseph A. Mason, Shuang-Ye Wu, Huayu Lu. Recent greening (1981-2013) in the Mu Us dune field, north-central China, and its potential causes. Land Degradation &
Development,??2018, 29(5): 1509-1520, doi: 10.1002/ldr.2910. (SCI一区TOP期刊, 高影响因子刊物, LDD封面文章)? [3]???? ??Zhiwei Xu*, Joseph A. Mason, Huayu Lu, Shuangwen Yi, Yali Zhou, Jiang Wu, Zhiyong Han. Crescentic dune migration and stabilization: Implications for interpreting paleo-dune deposits as paleoenvironmental records. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2017, 27(11): 1341-1358. (Invited Paper) [4]???? ??Zhiwei Xu*, Huayu Lu, Shuangwen Yi, Jef Vandenberghe, Joseph A. Mason, Yali Zhou, Xianyan Wang. Climate-driven changes to dune activity during the Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation in the Mu Us dune field, north-central China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2015, 427: 149-159.?(SCI一区TOP期刊, Nature Index刊物)? [5]???? ??Zhiwei Xu, Joseph A. Mason*, Huayu Lu. Vegetated dune morphodynamics during recent stabilization of the Mu Us dune field, north-central China. Geomorphology,??2015, 228: 486-503.?(SCI二区)?? [6]???? ??Zhiwei Xu, Huayu Lu*, Cunfa Zhao, Xianyan Wang, Zhizhu Su, Zhenting Wang, Hongyi Liu, Lixin Wang, Qi Lu. Composition, origin and weathering process of surface sediment in Kumtagh Desert, Northwest China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2011, 21(6): 1062-1076.? [7]???? ??徐志伟, 鹿化煜. 自然地理学发展迎来新时代C从 2017年全国自然地理学大会 看自然地理学新发展与新挑战. 地理学报, 2018, 73(1): 192-196. ? [8]???? ??徐志伟, 鹿化煜*, 弋双文, 周亚利, Joseph A. Mason, 王晓勇, 陈英勇, 朱芳莹, 张瀚之, 翟秀敏. 末次盛冰期和全新世大暖期毛乌素沙地的空间变化. 第四纪研究, 2013, 33(2): 218-227.? [9]???? ??徐志伟, 鹿化煜*, 赵存法, 王先彦, 苏志珠, 王振亭, 刘宏宜, 王立新, 卢琦. 库姆塔格沙漠地表物质组成、来源和风化过程. 地理学报, 2010, 65(1): 53-64. ? [10]??徐志伟, 汪亚平*, 李炎, 马菲, 张凡, 叶长江. 多元统计及物源分析支持的北部湾东部海域沉积物输运趋势. 海洋学报, 2010, 32(3): 67-78.? [11]??Zhiwei Xu. Wet-dry climatic variations in dune fields of north China and its driving mechanism. College Natural Sciences, 2010, 2: 67. (南京大学学生自创期刊)? [12]???Yuwen Zhou, Zhiyong Han*, Xusheng Li, Yong Wang, Cunjuan Lv, Mengyao Jiang, Qianqian Yang, Zhiwei Xu, Shuangwen Yi, Huayu Lu. Sandy Loess Records of Precipitation Changes and Monsoon Migrations in the Hunshandake Sandy Land since the Last Glacial Maximum. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology?, 2018, accepted. (SCI二区, 南大A区)?? [13]???Jiang Wu, Huayu Lu, Shuangwen Yi, Zhiwei Xu, Yao Gu, Chenghong Liang, Mengchun Cui, Xuefeng Sun. Establishing a high-resolution luminescence chronology for the Zhenbeitai sand-loess section at Yulin, North-Central China. Quaternary Geochronology?, 2018, in press. (SCI二区)? [14]???Lin Zeng, Shuangwen Yi, Huayu Lu, Yingyong Chen, Fang Lei, Zhiwei Xu, Xianyan Wang, Wenfang Zhang. Response of dune mobility and pedogenesis to fluctuations in monsoon precipitation and human activity in the Hulunbuir dune field, northeastern China, since the last deglaciation. Global and Planetary Change?, 2018, 168: 1-14. (SCI二区, 南大A区)?? [15]???Cunjuan Lv, Xusheng Li*, Zhiyong Han, Yong Wang, Yuwen Zhou, Mengyao Jiang, Qianqian Yang, Zhiwei Xu, Shuangwen Yi, Huayu Lu. Fluvial response to precipitation variations since 36?ka in the Hunshandake Sandy Land in North China. Geomorphology?, 2018, 317: 128-138. (SCI二区)? [16]???Huayu Lu, Haixin Zhuo, Wenchao Zhang, Shejiang Wang, Hongyan Zhang, Xuefeng Sun, Xin Jia, Zhiwei Xu, Xianyan Wang. Earth surface processes and their effects on human behavior in monsoonal China during the Pleistocene-Holocene epochs. Journal of Geographical Sciences?, 2017, 27(11): 1311-1324.? [17]???Xuefeng Sun, Xin Jia, Huayu Lu, Xianyan Wang, Shuangwen Yi, Xiaoyong Wang, Zhiwei Xu, Fang Lei, Zhiyong Han. A modified depositional hypothesis of the Hanjiang Loess in the southern Qinling Mountains, central China. Progress in Physical Geography?, 2017, 41(6): 775-787. (SCI二区)?? [18]???Lin Zeng, Huayu Lu, Shuangwen Yi, Thomas Stevens, Zhiwei Xu, Haixing Zhuo, Kaifeng Yu, Hanzhi Zhang. Long-term Pleistocene aridific........