编辑: 丶蓶一 | 2013-12-01 |
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2018 Bene?ts ezTRACK? bene?ts both the brand and the consumers by providing real-time information visibility along the entire supply chain. WeMedia can now: 配合全球客户日益增加的需求,让读取关键产品资料变得轻而 易举 建立可靠的全球供应链,确保能生产和配送优质的产品和服务 迎合顾客的需要及购买习惯,提升其满意度 提供产品认证,防假货,以增加顾客的信心 Address global customers' increasing demand to have critical product information at their ?ngertips Establish a reliable global supply chain to ensure production and distribution of quality products and services Enhance customers' satisfaction by responding to their needs and purchase habit Boost consumer trust by proving product authen- ticity and combating counterfeit 1. 2. 3. 4. 效益 踪横网?提供整条生产线的实时资讯,同时惠及品牌和顾客. WeMedia现时可以: 1. 2. 3. 4. WeMedia Shopping Network Technology Co. Ltd 微自媒科技有限公司