编辑: 星野哀 2016-08-09
台达供应链企业社会责任政策 Delta Supplier Corporate Social Responsibility - 共同秉持台达经营理念「环保 节能 爱地球」 ,落实企业社会责任推动,积极成为台达推 动永续发展议题合作夥伴.

Uphold Delta's business philosophy "To provide innovative, clean, and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow", implement corporate social responsibility, and actively become Delta's partner in promoting sustainable development. - 建立一个保护环境、严守道德规、尊重劳动人权、提供安全健康的工作环境迈向永续发 展的供应链为目标. Establish a supply chain that protects the environment, strictly abides by ethical standards, respects labor human rights, provides a safe and healthy work environment, and strives towards sustainable development. - 遵守法律规. Comply with legal regulations. - 协同供应商投入绿色创新研发,开发对环境友善之产品,减轻对环境的冲击. Collaborate with suppliers to invest in research and development of green innovation and develop environmentally-friendly products to mitigate the impact on the environment. - 依循永续采购原则,优先采购:尊重人权、促进创新、保护自然环境、对抗气候变迁、节 约能源使用、改善就业、公共卫生与社会条件供应商的产品或服务. Follow the principle of sustainable procurement and prioritize procurement of products or services from suppliers who: respect human rights;

promote innovation;

protect the natural environment;

combat climate change;

conserve energy;

and improve employment, public health, and social conditions. - 评估及管理供应商品质卓越、成本领先、交期准确、服务团以及永续发展能力等以符合 台达之要求,提升整体供应链的竞争力. Evaluate and manage suppliers' superior quality, competitive cost leadership, on-time delivery, service teams, and sustainable development capabilities to meet Delta's requirements and enhance the competitiveness of the overall supply chain. - 致力投入社会公益活动,鼓励员工参加,以促进本业发展. Commit to social welfare activities, and encourage employees to participate to promote the development of the industry.
