编辑: 烂衣小孩 | 2017-09-01 |
将金融理论付诸实践的实用数学与面向对象 编程技能;
研究、 评估及分析技能, 评估、 分析复杂数据 及研究资料的定量技术;
在金融数学领域中设计、 计划及开展复杂研 究项目的技术和能力. 就业 金融数学的毕业研究生可在银行、投资公司、 保险公司、咨询公司等商业领域或金融业、政 府管理机构和企业单位等获得众多就业机会, 也可在大学、研究机构或政府单位任教或开展 研究工作. The MSc Financial Mathematics programme provides you with advanced analytical training, quantitative knowledge and the practical skill sets required by modern financial institutions. It aims to equip you with a solid education in financial analysis, risk management and financial engineering for a successful career in the finance and banking industries. It is heavily weighted towards advanced mathematics and programming modules designed with practical applications in mathematical and quantitative finance. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES The programme keeps a balance between theoretical and practical knowledge which is crucial for a successful career in the financial industry. Upon successful completion of the programme the students gain important skills in computational and theoretical aspects of finance and will have extensive experience in working with financial data and with terminals such as the Wind Financial Terminal that provides data on the Chinese market. MSc FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS 金融数学硕士 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 数学科学系 The Department of Mathematical Sciences is committed to excellence in research and teaching, and mathematical and computational sciences are among the major research strengths of Xi'
an Jiaotong- Liverpool University. This is a lively and friendly department for undergraduate, postgraduate and research students and has a reputation for student achievement and success. Our academic staff are internationally recognised for their high-quality research output in a number of areas of modern mathematics. 数学科学系致力于高端研究与教学, 我 系的数学和计算机科学研究是西交利 物浦大学的研究强项之一. 数学科学系招收本科生、 硕士研究生与 博士研究生, 它充满活力、 氛围融洽, 学 生取得多项骄人成就与成绩. 在众多现 代数学研究领域, 我系学术人员的高水 准研究成果获得了国际认可. XI'
an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is the largest international joint venture university in China, combining the best of East and West, awarding English-taught University of Liverpool degrees. 课程 核心课程 高级金融建模法 高级金融计量经济学 金融计算方法 连续时间金融 高级统计学 随机微积分学 论文写作 选修课程 定量分析方法 金融数值计算 高级风险管理 附加学习活动是完成研究生学业、获得学位 的组成部分.附加学习活动的学时会平均分 配在学期期间,一般为每学期200小时.非全 日制硕士课程的附加学习活动一般为每学期 100到150小时. 学位颁发机构 英国利物浦大学 该硕士研究生学位(全日制)获中国教育部认可. 学制 18个月 (全日制) 学术背景 本一类大学: 75%或以上 本二类大学: 80%或以上 注:不需要参加全国研究生入学考试. 本科需为相关专业,如数学、统计学、物理 学、工程学、计算机科学、金融和经济学 等. 英语要求 雅思: 6.5及以上 (且各项成绩均不低于5.5) 托福iBT: