编辑: 紫甘兰 2017-09-20

feedback have greatly impressed me. MELVIN METZGER STUDENT MSC APPLIED INFORMATICS Paul Craig has been a researcher working in the area of Information visualisation for around

10 years. He completed his PhD, studying the use of Animated Information Visualization for the Exploratory analysis of microarray time-course data, with Professor Jessie Kennedy at Edinburgh Napier University in 2006, and has since worked as a research fellow on projects for the National Science Foundation, Scottish enterprise, and the European Community in the areas of taxonomy, bioinformatics and intelligent interfaces. Dr PAUL CRAIG PROGRAMME DIRCTOR MSc APPLIED INFORMATICS INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL SUZHOU XJTLU MASTERS 本专业旨在培养学生成为计算机系统领域, 例如财务信息、 信息系统、 电信学等方面的高 端技术或管理人才. 毕业生将获得经中国教育部认可的利物浦大 学硕士学位. 毕业生将获得 本专业旨在拓展学生以下方面的知识与技能: 当今计算机行业中科技和商业方面的重要 理论和实践知识;

对IT系统的研究、 分析、 实现和评估的实践 技能, 包括撰写技术或研究文件的技能;

各类技能, 并将关键技能应用于管理与设 计, 以IT技术为依托, 解决应用领域中的实 用问题 . 课程 学生攻读4门核心课程及硕士论文课题和3门 选修课程.3门选修课程可从金融数学、远程 通讯、交互系统、社会计算、信息安全及编 程等课程中选择. 核心课程 数据挖掘和大数据分析 项目管理 研究方法 软件架构 硕士论文 选修课程 财务计算方法 计算机系统安全 图像和视频处理 交互系统 移动通信 面向对象编程 社会网络分析 社会网络编程 附加学习活动是完成研究生学业、获得学位 的组成部分.附加学习活动的学时会平均分 配在学期期间,一般为每学期200小时.非全 日制硕士课程的附加学习活动一般为每学期 100到150小时. Computer systems affect every part of our daily lives and are used in every conceivable type of organisation. These systems are highly interdisciplinary with historical roots in mathematics, physics and electronics. The MSc Applied Informatics programme will train you for advanced technical or managerial roles in computing areas such as finance informatics, information systems or telecommunications. Graduates of this programme, as with all XJTLU masters degrees, earn a University of Liverpool degree that is recognised by the Chinese Ministry of Education. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS Studying the MSc Applied Informatics programme will equip you with: theoretical and practical knowledge of key technological and business areas in today'

s IT industry and research practical skills in research, analysis, realisation and evaluation of IT systems including the write-up of technical or research documents key tools enabling you to enhance and apply your skills in management, design and the implementation of IT-based solutions to different application domains. MSc APPLIED INFORMATICS 应用信息学硕士 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 计算机科学与软件工程系 Our department delivers an exciting range of programmes, and many of our graduates take further studies at world-leading institutions or start their careers with prestigious employers. Our highly qualified staff members have a diverse range of international experience in teaching, research and working with industry, which benefits our students in enhancing their learning experience and employability. We are active in research and business interaction and have funding support from various international, national and local sources, such as the European Union, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and industry. 计算机科学与软件工程系进行本科及 研究生课程教学, 毕业生多在世界领 先研究机构继续深造或在知名企业任 职. 我系师资队伍优秀, 拥有在国际化 的环境中进行教学、 研究及工作的丰富 经验, 有助于优化教学品质, 提高学生 的就业能力. 我们积极开展研究, 与企 业互动, 已从如欧盟, 中国国家自然科 学基金和多个企业等国外、 国内及当地 渠道获得资金支持. 我们热衷于与企业 合作以更好地服务社会、 强化专业. XI'
