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82034358 印刷: 解放军报印刷厂 2014年12月24日 星期三出版 主编: 吴辉副主编: 柳鹏英文审校: 崔卫国 December 24,2014 Published on Wednesday Editor-in-Chief: Wu Hui Deputy Editor-in-chief: Liu Peng English Reviser: Cui Weiguo R ecently, the IP5 Statistics Report, an annual compilation of patent statistics for the world'
s five largest Intellectual Property Offices , namely the European Patent Office (EPO), the Japan Patent Office (JPO), the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), the State Intellectual Property Office of the People'
s Republic of Chi- na (SIPO), and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), was jointly released. According to the re- port, in 2013, 2,077,642 patent applica- tions were received by IP5 Offices, up 11%. the number of applications for in- vention patents received by SIPO reached a record of 825,136, up 26%. In 2013, there were increases in patent applications received by SIPO, KIPO and USPTO. At the SIPO, pat- ent applications increased by 26% (825,136). Also applications at the KIPO and the USPTO increased 8% (204,589) and 5% (571,612) respec- tively. While applications received by JPO decreased by 4% (328,436), appli- cations received by EPO decreased by less than 1% (147,869). Together the IP5 Offices granted 956,644 patents in 2013, up 4%. JPO granted 277,079 patents in 2013, higher than other IP5 Offices. The number of patents granted by KIPO and USPTO increased by 12% and 10% respectively. Also the number of patents granted by EPO and JPO in- creased 2% and 1% respectively, while the number of patents granted by the SIPO decreased by 4%. Together the IP5 Offices contrib- uted 82% of the PCT international fil- ings in
2013 (205,055). USPTO re- ceived 57,526 PCT filings, larger than other IP5 offices. SIPO (15%) had the largest growth rate in that field. (By Li Shuo) 本报讯 近日, 中美欧日韩五大 知识产权局在五局合作网站上联合公 布了 《2013 年世界五大知识产权局年 度统计报告》 (下称 《报告》 ) . 《报告》 显示, 2013年, 中国国家知识产权局受理 发明专利申请量为 82.5136 万件, 同比 增长 26%, 均远超其他四局.此外, 中 国国家知识产权局 PCT国际专利受理 量以 15%的年增速位居五局之首. 报告显示,
2013 年, 五局共受理 了207.7642 万件发明专利申请,较2012 年增长了 11%.其中, 中国国家 知识产权局在受理发明专利申请数量 和增速上均远超其他四局 (82.5136 万件, 26%) , 而其他四局分别为: 美国专 利商标局 (57.1612 万件, 5%) 、 日本特 许厅 (32.8436 万件, -4%) 、 韩国知识 产权局 (20.4589 万件, 8%) 、 欧洲专利 局(14.7869万件, 约-1%) . 2013年, 五局共授予了 95.6644万件发明专利权,相比2012 年增长了4%.其中日本特许厅发明专利授权量 位列五局第一, 为27.7079 万件.但就 增速而言, 韩国知识产权局和美国专利 商标局分别以12%和10%位居前两位, 日本特许厅和欧洲专利局分别增长2% 和1%, 中国国家知识产权局发明专利 授权量则较2012年减少了4%. 在PCT国际专利申请方面, 2013年, 全球PCT国际专利申请量为20.5055万件, 其中 82%的PCT 国际专利申请通 过五局受理, 美国专利商标局以5.7526万 件位居受理量首位, 中国国家知识产权 局PCT国际专利申请受理量增长最快, 年增速达到15%. (李硕) IP5 Statistics Report