编辑: 笨蛋爱傻瓜悦 2018-04-26

2013 released 《2013 年世界五大知识产权局年度统计报告》 显示 中国受理的发明专利申请量位居前列 A Chinese OEM garment factory failed in a trademark dispute 贴牌加工 POLO 衫惹来侵权诉讼 C hinese leaders are keen to trans- form the economy, from the world'

s sweatshop to one that is focused on innovation. These range from nursing homes and express deliv- ery companies to firms providing fi- nancial advice or legal services. By giving such businesses greater access to China'

s market, Chinese officials are hoping to inject competition that will force lazy incumbents and oligop- olists to shape up. (Trade and investment with Australia, are you being served? By the Economist) 中国领导人正致力于把中国从 制造大国 的角色向创新转变.无 论是疗养院和快递等基础服务业, 还 是金融和法律等高端服务业, 中国都 十分欢迎此类外资进驻中国市场, 带 动国内市场竞争, 促使中国企业更好 地打造自身. (中澳合作, 你从中受益 了吗? 《经济学人》 ) Comment: More and more innovations and development makes China realizing the importance of competition. Foreign companies in China'

s service industry would help China transform the econo- my from downstream to upstream, and from low-end to high end. Competition would help China'

s companies make a better pace to the global market. 点评: 今天中国创新发展的力量让中 国逐步意识到竞争的重要性.引入 外资参与国内服务业竞争, 带动中国 企业由下游转向上游, 由低端转向高 端, 在竞争中发展, 将是中国企业走 向世界的重要一步. S hanghai Golden Monkey has dis- tribution into channels where Her- shey products have yet to pene- trate. Additionally, the company has a strong history of innovation and prod- uct quality as evidenced by the out- standing reputation of its core brand, Golden Monkey, which has been na- tionally recognized as one of China'

s most iconic brands. (Hershey to buy Chi- na candy maker for $584M. By USA today.) 上海金丝猴在中国拥有我们没 有的销售渠道.此外, 该公司一直以 来关注产品创新, 并拥有享誉全国的 知名品牌 金丝猴 .因此它十分符 合好时的收购标准. (好时 5.84 亿美 元收购中国糖企, 《今日美国》 ) Comment: Chinese brands gradually attract more and more attention from all over the world. The $584M acquisition is a great example showing the value of Chinese brand. 点评: 中国品牌的价值正逐步被世界 认可, 这块价值 5.84 亿美元的敲门砖 正代表了外国企业对中国市场的评 价与希冀. (孙迪) D ays ago, a Chinese OEM gar- ment factory Shanghai Mawei'

s 2,700 suits of male winter clothes, contracted for a Mexican based company, were detained by Bei- jing Customs, on grounds of infring- ing Lauren Company'

s registered trademark POLO. Lauren Company then brought the case to Shanghai Xuhui District People'

s Court and was awarded 8,000 yuan in damages. In 1986, Lauren Company filed the No.

278874 Polo Sport figure as trademark and was certified on Class

25 products of garments in 1987. Two years later, in 1989, Lauren Company filed the No.

527802 character of PO- LO as trademark and was approved one year later. The two marks are within the validity period. Lauren Company claimed that as the trademark holders of POLO char- acter and the figure, and the law should protect them. On the garments exported to Mexico have been printed the HPCPOLO character and figure by Shanghai Mawei. The two marks are similar in spelling and could easily cause confusion among the customers, so that similarity and trademark in- fringement were constituted. Lauren Company requested the court order- ing Shanghai Mawei to cease in- fringement and seek compensation of 35,0000 yuan. Shanghai Mawei argued that the garments detained by Beijing Cus- toms were purchase orders for a Mexi- can company;
