编辑: 会说话的鱼 2018-10-09

Settlement 慈惠 慈惠月报 The Philanthropy Monthly 零九年四月份 APR

2009 网址 Website: www.thevoice.org.hk 服务/电器送赠数字 No. of Services/Donations * 其他包括两部抽油烟机及一部抽气扇 * Others include two Range hoods and one Ventilation fan 新个案来源 Origin of New Cases 家居维修服务 HMS 电器赠长者 EAE 圣雅各福群会 St. James , Settlement

3 5 社会福利署 Social Welfare Department

7 32 非政府机构 Non-government Organization

148 78 其他政府部门 Other Government Department

5 3 个案总数 Total

163 115 个案数目统计 Cases Statistics 4月份新个案 New cases in April

163 115 3月份尚未完成的个案 Cases carrying-over from March

10 27 4月份共需处理个案 Total cases to be handled in April

173 142 4月份完结之个案 Cases settled in April

82 96 带往5月份之个案 Cases carrying-over to May

91 46 完结之个案情况 Status of Cases Settled 综缓个案 CSSA cases

80 87 非综缓个案 Non-CSSA cases

11 9 已完结之个案 Cases settled

91 96 「家居维修服务」及「电器赠长者」 4/09 个案统计 HMS &

EAE 4/09 Cases Statistics ^ 部份「家居维修服务」支出乃由省善真堂及新界崇德社赞助 HMS is Partly supported by Shang Sin Chun Tong and Zonta Club of The New Territories 家居维修服务数字^ HMS No. of Services^ 电器赠长者计划 送赠电器数字 EAE No. of Electrical Appliances 装置(如扶手/毛巾架/ 照明) Other fitting (eg. handle bar / towel rack / lighting system etc.)

120 收音机/录音机 Radio / Recorder

3 电力供应系统维修 Electricity systems

59 电饭煲 Rice cooker

15 木工维修 Wood-work

24 电视机 Television set

18 来去水系统维修 Piping &

drainage systems

21 雪柜 Refrigerator

14 家庭电器维修/安装 Electrical appliances

32 风扇 Fan

10 新居装修 (如铺胶地板 及其他装置等) New house decorations (eg. install plas- tic floor tile &

other fittings.)

15 电水/电水煲 Electric water boiler/pot

15 安装《弱长者应门》 Flash-bell fitting

4 热水炉 Water heater

13 检查电力装置 Check electricity system safety

27 洗衣机 Washing machine

11 电器安全常识和操作 指导 Home safety guide on electricity and electrical appliance use

0 电话 Telephone

2 乡郊工程 (如改善水电 系统、生活环境改善) Country-side works (eg. water and electricity works/ living environment improvement etc.)

3 电磁炉 Induction cooker

5 其他* Others*

3 总数 Total

305 总数 Total

109 我们需要你的捐助 We Need Your Donation 慈惠月报 The Philanthropy Monthly 零九年四月份 APR

2009 潮湿电视散热慢引火警 贫老活在危险待你捐赠 Heat from TV sets in humid days induces fire easily Poor elderly awaiting your help to get out of the hazard 「试问家中电视机容易爆炸著火,怎敢开动它!」行 动不便的李婆婆指著其己有18年的「陈年」电视机苦著脸 说.自从电视机的显像管发出怪声及有异味后,经社工劝喻 表示有危险后,只可放弃平日喜欢欣赏电视剧集以消磨时间 的她,唯有站在窗前观看街景. 「社工说,电视机内积满尘埃,近日天气潮湿,容易 令尘埃受潮而引来火警;

又无余钱作出更换,无电视睇,生 活苦闷也是无办法啦.」领取综援的她,自丈夫年前去世 后,加上行动不便,便一直被困在家,失去往日的活跃社交 生活. 在此「回南天」及雨季中,每年此际部份「家居」火 警多涉及显像管式电视机,经社工转介往圣雅各福群会「电 器赠长者」计划申请电视机的贫老,家中的电视机因缺乏维 修保养已失效多时,现正期盼热心人士作出捐赠. 事实上,根绻こ淌鸬鞑,因积尘及机件残旧, 於雨季潮湿的天气下,显像管电视机容易受潮及散热慢,著 火较以往急增两倍,故避免贫困长者因使用残旧电视机而冒 著火的危险,本会现正为轮候更换残破电视机的15名老者呼 吁,捐出700元购买一台新电视机作出转送,以解救他们家 居火警的危险,而又可为他们带来免费电视娱乐的机会,解 生活的寂寞吗?我们将於5月30日(星期六全日)於湾仔石水 渠街85号一字楼举行「电视机募捐日」,於此雨季「回南 天」潮湿天气下,期盼大家支持.施善热线:2835-4321或8107-8324. I dare not switch on theTV set which is very likely to explode and cause fire! Grandy Lee, who is suffering from some physical limitations, said unhappily while pointing at her 18-years old antique TV set. Ever since she had found her traditional TV set making some strange noise and emitting some disgusting smell, she was convinced by the social worker to stop using it in view of the possible danger. She cannot but to abandon her enjoyment in watching some TV series which has helped to ease her loneliness. What she can do now to kill her time is to look at the streets from the window. The social worker explained to me that in these humid days, the dust accumulated inside the TV set gets damped which may induce fire. I can spare no money to buy a new one, so I have to live with the boredom as TV entertainment is no longer available. It seems quite hopeless to me! Grandy Lee has to rely upon the CSSA to maintain her living since her husband passed away a year ago. Owing to some physical limitations, she is obliged to stay at home and to give up her active social life. In this rainy season while the humidity always stays at a high level, there is quite a number of fire incidents found to be related to the damped parts of those traditional TV sets. The TV sets of many of the poor elderly do not function any more due to the lack of maintenance. Social workers have referred to our EAE program, some of the requests for TV sets made by the poor elderly who are awaiting your kind donations. According to the survey conducted by the Electrical and Engineering Department, the number of fire incidents caused by the traditionalTV sets which have fatique parts and are dusty, gets doubled in the rainy and humid season as a result of heat dissipating too slowly and the parts of the TV sets getting damped.
