编辑: 会说话的鱼 2018-10-09

15 poor elderly are now waiting eagerly for some safe and well-functioned TV sets to replace their old ones which might induce fire if they are continued to be used. Your donation of $700 for a new one will definitely help these poor elderly avoiding fire accidents possibly caused by their old TV sets while enabling them not to feel lonely by enjoying the free TV programs without worrying about the safety of the TV sets. Our TV sets Donation Day will be held on Saturday, 30th May, 2008(from

9 am to

6 pm) at 1/F.,

85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai, Hong Kong. We need your support! Isn'

t it a great way to refresh yourself and the elderly in need during these rainy and humid days?! Please call

2835 4321 or

8107 8324 for details. 受惠者言 Client'

s Remark 大家有幻想过,他朝一天,你年老的亲人一个行动不 便,一个长期仰卧在床.从此,他们的起居饮食、衣食住 行都依靠你一个人来支持和照顾,你能应付吗? 近日,到户理发服务接到戴女士的申请,家中年纪老 迈的阿姨(吴婆婆)两度中风、臀部骨折需要长期卧床;

姨丈因中风而行动不便.戴女士因为要替阿姨清洁和喂 食,经常要把阿姨抱来抱去,最后令自己的腰部受损,现 在只能靠定期上门的家居照顾服务的职员来帮忙移动阿 姨,「一个人实在搬唔郁,一定要两个人先得!」戴女士 语带无奈地说. 最近吴婆婆头发长了,在生理和卫生的需要吴婆婆真 的要理发,但戴女士对剪发可谓一窍不通,自己想充当剪 发师傅,就连剪发所需的工具也没有!实在没法子帮她理 发,令戴女士感到困扰.当义工上门为卧床的阿姨理发, 为戴女士舒缓照顾老者的困难,「我终於可以一口气 了!」戴女士喜上眉梢的说. 「要一个人独力承担照顾两老的压力,不是人人都能 明白得到个中滋........
