编辑: 梦里红妆 | 2019-07-08 |
s assertion that, in the 1970'
s, corporate response to federal requirements (line 1, paragraph 2) was substantial? [A] Corporate contracts with minority-owned businesses totaled $2 billion in 1979. [B] Between
1970 and 1972, corporate contracts with minority-owned businesses declined by
25 percent. [C] The figures collected in
1977 underrepresented the extent of corporate contracts with minority-owned businesses. [D] The $1.1 billion represented the same percentage of total corporate spending in
1977 as did $77 million in 1972. 5. The author would most likely agree with which of the following statements about corporate response to working with minority subcontractors? [A] Annoyed by the proliferation of front organizations, corporations are likely to reduce their efforts to work with minority-owned subcontractors in the near future. [B] Although corporations showed considerable interest in working with minority businesses in the 1970'
s, their aversion to government paperwork made them reluctant to pursue many government contracts. [C] The significant response of corporations in the 1970'
s is likely to be sustained and conceivably be increased throughout the 1980'
s. [D] Although corporations are eager to cooperate with minority-owned businesses, a shortage of capital in the 1970'
s made substantial response impossible. [答案与考点解析] 1. 【答案】B 【考点解析】本题是一道中心主旨题.破解本题的关键在于考生是 否完全理解本文第一段首句的内容,尤其是第一句中破折号后面的内 容.破折号后面的内容和选项 B 中的 its potential drawbacks 是 相互吻合的.望考生注意培养捕捉全文中心主旨句的能力. 2. 【答案】A 【考点解析】这是一道逻辑思维上的反推题,也可以说是逆向思维 题.本题反推即逆向思维的信息依据在第三段的最后一句.该句在谈论 小的企业,大概内容是 ……一个小企业的投资要马上在定货中反映出 效果,否则其士气和财政前景都将深受影响 .根据小的企业的状况, 我们可以推导出大的企业所面临的处境.希望考生加强逆向思维即反推 的解题能力. 3. 【答案】B 【考点解析】本题是一道关键词语的理解题目,其答案信息来源在 第一段的尾句,原文当中的 specific 一词是本题的答案所在.考 生要加强对原文中重点形容词和副词的理解. 4. 【答案】D 【考点解析】这是一道反论题.这种题的关键在于利用原文的信息 否定原文所要表达的观点.原文讲 少数民族企业签订的合同金额由
1972 年的
7700 万美元升至
1977 年的
11 亿美元 .原文所要表达的观 点是合同金额的增长.选项 D 正是利用原文的信息否定了原文所要表达 的观点.选项 D 所表达的信息是变化增长数字背后的不变.这种题属于 较难的题型,希望考生加以重视. 5. 【答案】C 【考点解析】这是一道关键词语理解题.本题的答案信息在第二段 的尾句,句中 letup 一词决定了本题的正确答案是 C,因为该词的 含义是 停顿,减弱 .考生在备考过程中要尽力扩大自己的词汇量. [参考译文] 最近几年美国少数民族所有的企业可以说........