编辑: wtshxd | 2019-07-10 |
电邮地址 E-mail Address 报读课程 Applied Program 报读专业 Applied Major 请问你认识上述申请人多久及如何认识? How long and in what capacity have you known the above applicant? 请就下表中所列项目对上述申请人之能力作出评价(5-优良、4-良好、3-满意、2-普通或以下、1-无从判断): Please rate the applicant's abilities in the following chart (5-Excellent, 4-Good, 3-Satisfactory, 2-Average or below, 1- No basis of Judgment): 项目 学习能 对报读课程的知识程度 中文程度 英文程度 创造力 毅力 判断力 分析及推论能力 Item Learning Knowledge in applied program Chinese English Creativity Perseverance Judgment Analytical and Ability Proficiency Proficiency reasoning ability 评价 Comment 根愣陨鲜錾昵肴说娜鲜,你会否推荐他/她入读所报读之研究生课程? Based on your knowledge of the applicant, would you recommend him/her for admission to the above mentioned postgraduate of study? 会,因为 Yes, because 不会,因为 No, because 其他 Others 推荐人个人资料 Personal Details of Recommender: 姓名 Name 工作机构 Organization at work 职位/职称 Position/ Title 电邮地址 E-mail Address 推荐人签名: 日期: Signature of Recommender Date 感谢您的宝贵时间填写此份推荐表! Thank you for your time in completing this form! 请於报名截止限期前填妥及签字,并由申请人上传至网上报名系统(OAS):https://oas.must.edu.mo/admission/locale.do. Please fill in and sign, then upload to Online Application System (OAS) before application deadline:https://oas.must.edu.mo/admission/locale.do. 第二部份. 推荐信息(由推荐人填写) SECTION 1. PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT (TO BE COMPLENTED BY APPLICAT) 第一部份. 申请人个人资料(由申请人填写) SECTION 1. PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT (TO BE COMPLENTED BY APPLICAT)