编辑: 人间点评 2019-07-17

2007 and November

2008 issues of Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics for details. 1.4 本文介绍现时编制香港的?工生产?指 ?的方法及资??源,并分析二????至二 ??九?各主要经济活动的?工生产?指?. 1.4 This article outlines the methodology and data sources currently used for compiling LPIs in Hong Kong, and analyses the LPIs for various major economic activities during

2000 to 2009. 2. 编制?工生产?指?的资??源 2. Data Sources for Compiling LPIs 2.1 如上文所述,?工生产?指?的计算方 法是将实质生产指?除以?工投入指?.概? ,?工生产?指?计算方法如下: 上100 /HW HW /VA VA

0 t

0 t ? 其中 VAt = t 期内以环比物?计算的增加价 值;

VA0 = 0期内以环比物?计算的增加价 值;

HWt = t 期内的总人时;

及HW0 =

0 期内的总人时. 2.1 As mentioned above, LPI is compiled by dividing a real output index by an index of labour input. Conceptually, it is compiled as :

100 /HW HW /VA VA

0 t

0 t ? where VAt = chain volume estimates of value added in period t;

VA0 = chain volume estimates of value added in period 0;

HWt = total person-hours worked in period t;

and HW0 = total person-hours worked in period 0. 香港统计月刊 二?一??十一月 FB2 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics November

2010 2.2 用以编制各?业?别的?工生产?指? 中的实质生产,是以国民经济核算架构中按环 比物?计算的增加价值???.增加价值?? 某一经济活动的生产净值,即以所生产的货品 及服务的价值,减去生产过程中的中间投产消 耗(?如原?及物?的价值、租赁服务及商用 服务)的价值. 2.2 For sectoral LPIs, real output is measured by the chain volume estimates of value added as compiled in the national accounting framework. Value added measures the net output of an economic activity, i.e. the value of goods and services produced less the value of intermediate consumption (e.g. value of materials and supplies, rental services and business services) used in production. 2.3 ?工投入是以人时??,即以就业人? 乘以平均实际工作时?计算.平均实际工作时 ???自「综合住户统计调查」,而各?业 ?别的就业人?主要是根鸵底酆瞎兰? 字所得. 2.3 Labour input is measured by the person-hours worked, which is calculated as the product of the number of persons engaged and the average actual hours of work. Data on the average actual hours of work are obtained from the General Household Survey, while the number of persons engaged in each sector is mainly based on Composite Employment Estimates (CEE). 2.4 就编制整体经济的?工生产?指?而 言,所采用的生产净值是指以环比物?计算的 本地生产总值.至於?工投入?字,则根 体的就业综合估计?字,以及?自「综合住户 统计调查」的平均实际工作时?计算. 2.4 For compiling the LPI for the economy as a whole, the net output used is the chain volume measure of GDP, while labour input is based on the CEE of the whole economy together with the average actual hours of work based on the General Household Survey. 2.5 在香港,以下为选定编制?工生产?指 ?的主要经济活动: 2.5 In Hong Kong, the following major economic activities are selected for compiling LPIs : (i) 制造业;

(i) manufacturing;

(ii) 电?、燃气及水务业;

(iii) 批发、?售、进出口贸?、饮食及酒店 业,包括: ? 批发及?售业;

? 进出口贸?业;

? 食肆及酒店业;

(iv) 运输、仓库及通讯业,包括: ? 运输及仓库业;

? 通讯业;
