编辑: 人间点评 2019-07-17

(v) ?融及保险业,包括: ? ?融业;

? 保险业. (ii) electricity, gas and water;

(iii) wholesale, retail, import and export trades, restaurants and hotels, including : ? wholesale and retail trade;

? import and export trade;

? restaurants and hotels;

(iv) transport, storage and communications, including : ? transport and storage;

? communications;

(v) financing and insurance, including : ? financing;

? insurance. 香港统计月刊 二?一??十一月 FB3 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics November

2010 2.6 由於以下原因,在现有的方法下,本处 并?为其他经济活动编制?工生产?指?: 2.6 Under the existing methodology, the other activities are not selected for the compilation of LPI due to : (i) 概?因素,?如以投入成本及?工投入 方法估算的以环比物?计算的政府及商 用服务的增加价值有所局限;

及(ii) 实际因素,?如某些?业的就业?字的 涵盖围并?完备. (i) conceptual reasons, e.g. limitations in chain volume measure of government and business services estimated by input cost and labour input methods;

and (ii) practical reasons, e.g. incomplete coverage of employment figures for some activities. 3. ?工生产?指?的主要用途 3. Main Uses of LPIs 3.1 ?工生产?指?主要用作分析生产技术 的提高、机构架构和?工素质的改善,以及资 本的增加等因素对一个?业M经济体系的生 产?的长远影响.由於?工投入的调整在时间 上通常未能完全配合实质生产的转变,?工生 产?指?的按?变动?可能会有别於其长期 趋势.这个现象在经济上扬或下?的初期?为 明显.因此在分析?工生产?指?时,一般会 集中分析其长期趋势而非其按?变动?. 3.1 LPIs are mainly used for analysing the long term effects of factors such as enhancement in technology, improvements in organisational structures and quality of labour as well as increases in capital on the productive capacity of an industry/economy. The annual rates of change in LPI may deviate from the long term trend, as adjustments in labour input usually do not exactly match with changes in real output in terms of timing, particularly at the initial stage of economic upturns and downturns. In view of this, analyses of LPIs usually focus on the long term trend rather than the annual rates of change. 3.2 基於上述?工生产?指?的特色,本文 集中分析二????至二??九?期间的? 工生产?指?的平均按?变动?. 3.2 Given the characteristics of LPI as mentioned above, the average annual rates of change in LPIs covering the period from

2000 to

2009 are featured in the following analyses. 4. 二????至二??九??工生产 ?指?的分析 4. Analyses of LPIs from

2000 to

2009 4.1 表一载?二????至二??九?整体 经济及选定主要经济活动的?工生产?指?. 4.1 Table

1 shows the LPIs for the whole economy and selected major economic activities from

2000 to 2009. 4.2 二????至二??九?期间,整体经 济的?工生产?指??得 3.1%的平均按?增 幅.实质生产在此期间有 3.7%的平均按?增 幅,而总人时亦有 0.5%的平均按?增幅. 4.2 The LPI for the whole economy increased at an average annual rate of 3.1% from

2000 to 2009. While real output increased by an average of 3.7% per annum, there was also an average rise of 0.5% per annum in person-hours worked during the period. 4.3 虽然整体经济的?工生产?有所增加, 但各主要经济活动在生产?方面的表现并? 相同. 4.3 However, the growth in labour productivity for the economy as a whole embraced variations in performance amongst different major economic activities. 香港统计月刊 二?一??十一月 FB4 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics November
