编辑: 人间点评 | 2019-07-17 |
2010 表一 整体经济及选定主要经济活动的?工生产?指? Table
1 Labour Productivity Indices (LPIs) of Whole Economy and Selected Major Economic Activities ?工生产?指? (二???? = 100) LPI (Year
2000 = 100) 选定主要经济活动 Selected major economic activities ?Year 整体经济 Whole economy 制造业 Manufacturing 电?、燃气 及水务业 Electricity, gas and water 批发、?售、 进出口贸?、 饮食及酒店业 Wholesale, retail, import and export trades, restaurants and hotels 批发及? 售业 Wholesale and retail trade 进出口贸 ?业 Import and export trade 食肆及酒 ........