编辑: 烂衣小孩 2019-07-17

15 major power plants with

32 generator units in Tianjin City? we firstly calculated and analyzed the regional carbon intensity of power industry and then designed three scenarios for carbon emissions benchmarking along with an analysis of applicability for Tianjin City? which are actual emissions scenario? advanced value of current standards scenario and comprehensive emissions reduction scenario. The study shows: (1) In the industries with solid database and single product? adopting benchmarking method in allowance allocation is propitious to the rational distribution of carbon markets resources? hence promoting the low~carbon development of regional power industry. ( 2) The carbon intensity of Tianjin′s power industry is 822?

9 gM(kW ? h) in

2014 and the intensity for coal~fired power and gas~fired power are 824?

4 and 502?

0 gM(kW ? h) respectively. (3) Carbon intensity of electricity generation reflects the level of energy consumption and management of specific units. Coal~fired power units with high pressure and capacity conduce to the reduction of regional carbon emission from power 环境科学研究第31 卷industry. (4) Comprehensive emission reduction scenario is suitable for regions lacking local units? which is set under the consideration of both local carbon emission level and the benchmarking of other pilot provinces. As the toughest sets of benchmarking? the scenario might bring more pressure on the power companies? but the incentive effect for regional reduction is non~negligible? especially for companies running low capacity units with relatively high intensity. Keywords: power industry? carbon intensity? benchmarking? cap~and~trade? allowance allocation 气候变化问题是当前人类发展面临的重要挑战? 积极应对气候变化并早日实现 CO2 排放达到峰值是 我国对国际社会的一项重要承诺. 电力是社会经济 发展不可或缺的优质能源?具有清洁经济、输送安全、 使用方便等优点?因此受到广泛应用[1] . 然而?在以 火力发电为主要发电方式的国家或地区?电力行业往 往呈现高污染、高能耗的特征?造成 CO2 的集中大量 排放等对环境的不利影响[1~2] . 自2013 年起?北京、上海、天津、重庆、湖北、广东 和深圳等七省市已陆续开展碳交易试点工作?为我国 建立全国统一碳市场提供了丰富的实践经验. 碳排 放权交易配额初始分配的常用方法主要有祖父法、基 准线法及拍卖法[3] ?前二者属于免费配额分配方法? 后者为有偿分配方法. 基准线法指基于行业碳排放 强度(每单位产品产出的 CO2 排放量)参考值及产品 产量确定的免费配额发放量[4] . 相比于祖父法?基准 线法虽然对基础数据规模及质量要求更高?但可以在 机制上避免 鞭打快牛 的问题?可激励处于各排放 水平的企业进行温室气体减排[5~7] . 目前?上海、广东、湖北、深圳及福建等地已在电力行业制定并采用 了基准线配额分配方法?但天津作为国内最早启动碳 交易工作的试点城市之一?其电力行业的碳排放强度 及行业基准线仍有待深入研究. 天津是我国北方最大的沿海开放城市?是环渤海 地区的经济中心?在区域经济和全国经济发展中具有 重要地位和作用. 天津市的经济社会发展离不开电 力能源的支撑?但其电力生产几乎全部来自于火力发 电?到2015 年全市可再生能源比重仍仅占 3? 0%[8] ? 火力发电过程化石能源使用造成的碳排放问题不容 忽视. 与此同时?天津市一直以来积极推进应对气候 变化工作?提出推动全市碳排放在
