编辑: ZCYTheFirst 2019-07-15

m not going to choose work over family like Dad. 答案B(通过说话者的语气和语调,判断说话者的态度) 地道口语的语料 Text

5 M: Hey, watch out! I'

m in the crosswalk and you almost hit me! W: Just hurry up, buddy!Text

6 W: Absolutely, Mr. Harris.Text

7 M: Well, sweetie, I'

m not sure. Do you want a baby brother?Text

8 M: Aw, man! Why does he always have to travel so much? I feel like I never get to see him anymore.Text

9 M: A couple of weeks, I guess…wow, that'

s bright! 2012福州市三月质检听力 2012福州市三月质检听力 句意转换6. What does the man ask the woman to do ? A. Change the time for a meeting B. Tell his wife about their weekend plans C. Meet him in the afternoon听力原文: Text

6 M: Can you reschedule my meeting with Mr. Brown for tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 p.m. instead of 10:00 a.m.? 审题指导4. Why is the woman in the store? A. She knows there is a big sale B. She always goes there on Wednesdays C. She wants to know why there'

re so many peopleText 4W: Why are there so many people in line today? I'

m here every Wednesday afternoon, and it'

s never this bad.M: Maybe it'

s because of the special sale today.W: What sale?答案为B 2012福州市三月质检听力 4. What does the woman want to know? 答案为C W: Why are there so many people in line today? I'

m here every Wednesday afternoon, and it'

s never this bad.M: Maybe it'

s because of the special sale today.W: What sale? 思维定势题 32. What if we meet with a situation ______ none of us are able to deal with? A. where B. in which C. what D. that 本题属 陷阱题 ,考查很简单的定语从句,错误主要是学生思维定势,没有弄清关系代词在从句中的成分是解决定语从句考题的基本点,说明部分学生的语法基础知识不扎实,审题不认真. 冠词 21.In the early morning all of us stood at the top of the mountain to east of the city, watching burning sun rising. A.the;

a B./;

a C.the;

the D.the.;

/本题错误原因主要是学生基础较不牢固,知识遗忘率高,对冠词的掌握是个薄弱点. 介词 23.The Chinese government holds that peace and development ____ the Taiwain Straits is the correct path. A.beyond B.over C.through D.across 本题考查介词,错误主要是学生看不懂句意,不懂 hold that… ,其次是over和across的用法不清.说明部分学生的语法基础知识不扎实. 长难句分析C篇........
