编辑: 摇摆白勺白芍 2019-12-05
佩克建筑配件(张家港)有限公司 公司简介: 佩克(Peikko)公司成立于1965年,是一家从事制造混凝土连接件的芬兰外企,佩克创新型方案帮助客户在建筑领域达到更快、更便捷、更可靠的目标.

佩克集团已在全球30多个国家设立工厂或办事处.佩克集团已在中国建立自己的制造工厂.工厂坐落于江苏张家港市,北临上海.工厂主要为佩克北美公司、海湾地区及欧洲提供产品,同时为中国及亚太地区业务发展提供平台,其产品主要是装配式混凝土连接件,基本涵盖所有混凝土装配式结构所有的连接件. 招聘信息: 岗位:Project Engineer 职责: Collect info from all available sources in order to prepare accurate and complete detailed design of steel and composite structures according design codes, building rules and law's Liaising with other designers, including architects to agree on safe designs and their fit with the feasibility and safety concept of the construction Responsible for particular project management (fulfilment of design schedules) and perform final internal check of technical documentation and production drawings Making GAD and detail drawings, pricing, specifications using computers and computer-aided design (CAD) technology for own manufacturing purposes and for simulation purposes 要求: Technical education of civil engineering or structural engineering (Master's degree is preferred)土木工程或结构工程,硕士优先 Communication skills in English. Ability to use CAD software Quality communication within the workgroup. 联系方式: 联系人:尹丽芳


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