编辑: kieth 2022-12-15
学校代码:10272 学号:2009252132 上海财经大学 SHANGHAI UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMICS 公共管理硕士学位论文 MPA DISSERTATION 我国水务行业市场化改革模式优选及运行研究 培养院系: 公共经济与管理学院 作者姓名:李华指导教师: 完成时间: 2012年 学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果.

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s livelihood, and it is inseparable from the public safety, health and life. Its development not only directly affects the social development and economic growth, but also is the key link in building a harmonious society. With the development of society and the improvement of people'

s living standards, the demand for public water service from both quality and quantity greatly increases. But problems exist in the traditional water service profession which is not good enough to match the current rapid development of China'

s economic situation and to meet the public'

s increasing life needs. For example, the indifferent market consciousness, low efficiency, lack of innovation, Capital and management, and the unadvanced technology. Therefore, it is in urgent need of market-oriented reform of the Water service profession. However, in the process of reform, it becomes a point of contention how to optimize the mode of market, how to deal with the property―privatization or internationalization? It also has received increasing attention to social sessions and attention how to run the city water service profession after the reform to ensure the effective reform. In view of the above background, this paper briefly introduces the technical characteristics of the water industry and the necessity of market-oriented reform of China'

s water industry. It overviews the development of market-oriented reform of China'

s water industry and the current model as well as the management and operation pattern of international water industry. The paper also compares the positive effect and negative effect of the model of market-oriented reform and points out the selection--state-owned and state-operated integration reform model in the stage of market-oriented reform of China'

s water industry. At the same time, the paper puts forward some effective answers to the effective operation of the water industry under the background of the model through the case of Shaoxing Water Group that is in the state-owned successful model of market-oriented reform and its healthy and efficient development has attracted the attention of domestic counterparts. This paper analyses the reform model of property right of the water service profession by the method of the science of public administration and economics. And it also undertakes an analysis through the collection of a large number of documents and data on reform model of property right and management system of water industry, and discusses various market-oriented reform model using social investigation method and case study method. At the same time, a detailed study of two kinds of models-- the model of reform of property right and management system is done including the typical case of Shaoxing Water Group, and many corresponding measures are put forward through the empirical analysis and making comparison. This study shows that, the aim of market-oriented reform of water service profession lies in its internal market mechanism, rather than simply put it privatization because it is a natural monopolistic commonweal infrastructure industry. Property reform cannot form the real competition in the market, also it is not a true solution to the core problems of water industry which are in bad need to solve. At the present, according to the laws and regulations in our country, we should put emphasis on the state-owned and state-operated integration model. How to move effectively under state-owned integrated mode of water industry? The article puts forward some specific measures under this background, such as the establishment of operating system, the reengineering of internal business process, water price system, financing platform, the drive of integration of the urban and the rural, supervision mechanism, the system of information disclosure system and so on. Finally, this article puts forward some innovative suggestions on the operation and improvement of market-oriented reform of China'

s water service profession from the macroscopic angle. And the reform of water affairs calls for government public liability, the construction and the legislation of reform of water affairs system, and the establishment of fund for water industry. The paper also discusses the system of management, the integration of construction of the water service profession and the establishment of evaluation testing agencies from the third party and so on. KEYWORDS:water service,market-oriented,reform,model,integration 目 录

第一章 导论


第一节 研究背景


第二节 研究目的和意义


第三节 研究方法及思路






第四节 研究创新点


第二章 水务行业特征、生产方式理论和市场化


第一节 水务行业技术经济特征及生产方式理论




