编辑: ACcyL 2019-08-28
非特定电器用品一览表(341种) 电器用品名(型式区分的品名) 编号 中文 英文

一、电线电缆 / Cables, Cords

1 荧光灯电线(合成树脂) Fluorescent lamp cable (Plastic)

2 霓虹灯电线(合成树脂) Neon tube cable (Plastic)

3 电缆(导体公称断面积超过22mm2者)(橡胶) Cable (having a conductor nominal crosssectional area of more than

22 mm2) (Rubber)

4 电缆(导体公称断面积超过22mm2者)(合成树脂) Cable (having a conductor nominal crosssectional area of more than

22 mm2) (Plastics)

5 电温床线(橡胶) Floor heating cable (Rubber)

6 电温床线(合成树脂) Floor heating cable (Plastics)

二、 熔断器 / Fuses

7 筒状熔断器 Tubular fuse

8 栓型熔断器 Plug fuse /End contact plug fuse

三、配线器具 / Wiring Devices

9 遥控继电器 Remote control relay

10 断流开关 Cutout switch

11 带罩闸刀开关 Covered knife switch

12 配电盘组件开关 Panelboard unit switch

13 电磁开关 Electromagnetic switch

14 灯轨 Lighting track

15 灯轨用联结器 Lighting track coupling

16 灯轨用肘管 Lighting track elbow

17 灯轨用丁字接头 Lighting track tee

18 灯轨用交叉接头 Lighting track cross

19 灯轨用馈入盒 Lighting track feed-in box

20 灯轨用管端盖帽 Lighting track end cap

21 灯轨用插销 Lighting track plug

22 灯轨用适配器 Lighting track adaptor

23 其他灯轨附件及灯轨用连接器 Other lighting track fitting and connector

四、变压器,镇流器 / Transformers, Ballasts

24 电铃变压器 Transformer for bell

25 指示器用变压器 Transformer for indicator

26 遥控继电器用变压器 Transformer for remote control relay

27 霓虹灯变压器 Transformer for neon tube

28 燃烧器具用变压器 Transforme for fire lighter

29 稳压器 Voltage regulator

30 钠光灯用稳压器 Ballast for sodium vapor lamp

31 杀菌灯用稳压器 Ballast for germicidal lamp

五、电线管 / Conduits

32 金属制电线管 Metal conduit

33 一类金属制挠性电线管 Class I flexible metal conduit

34 二类金属制挠性电线管 Class II flexible metal conduit

35 其他金属制挠性电线管 Other flexible metal conduit

36 地板下电线管(金属制) Under-floor duct (Metal)

37 一类金属线槽 Class I metal raceway

38 二类金属线槽 Class II metal raceway

39 金属制联结器 Metal coupling

40 金属制普通弯头 Metal normal bend

41 金属制肘管 Metal elbow

42 金属制丁字接头 Metal tee

43 金属制交叉接头 Metal cross

44 金属制盖帽 Metal cap

45 金属制连接器 Metal connector

46 金属制连结盒 Metal box

47 金属制衬套 Metal bushing

48 其他金属制电线管类或挠性电线管的金属制附件 Other metal fitting of rigid conduit or flexible conduit

49 金属制电缆布线用开关盒 Metal cable wiring switch box

50 合成树脂制电线管 Plastic conduit

51 合成树脂制挠性电线管 Plastic flexible conduit

52 合成树脂制CD管Plastic CD conduit

53 合成树脂等制联结器 Coupling of plastics and others

54 合成树脂等制普通弯头 Normal bend of plastics and others

55 合成树脂等制肘管 Elbow of plastics and others

56 合成树脂等制连接器 Connector of plastics and others

57 合成树脂等制连接盒 Box of plastics and others

58 合成树脂等制衬套 Bushing of plastics and others

59 合成树脂等制盖帽 Cap of plastics and others

60 其他合成树脂制电线管类或挠性电线管的合成树脂等制附件 Other rigid or flexible conduit fitting of plastics and others

61 合成树脂制电缆布线用开关盒 Plastic cable wiring switch box

六、小型交流电机 / Small A.

C. motors

62 推斥起动感应电动机 Repulsion start induction motor

63 裂相起动感应电机 Split-phase start induction motor

64 电容器起动感应电机 Capacity-start induction motor

65 电容器感应电机 Capacity-run induction motor

66 整流式电机 Commutator motor

67 罩极感应电机 Shaded-pole induction motor

68 其他单相电机 Other single-phase motor

69 鼠笼式三相感应电机 Squirrel-cage three-phase induction motor

七、电热器具 / 电热器具 / Electric Heating Appliances

70 电暖足器 Electric foot warmer

71 电拖鞋 Electric slipper

72 电膝毯 Electric knee rug

73 电座垫 Electric floor cushion

74 电地毯 Electric carpet

75 电垫毯 Electric underblanket

76 电盖毯 Electric blanket

77 电被子 Electric comforter

78 电热袋 Electric anka

79 电椅罩 Electric seat chair cover

80 电暖椅 Electric heated chair

81 电被炉 Electric kotatsu

82 电热炉 Electric room heater

83 电火盆 Japanese electric heater

84 其他取暖用电热器具 Other electric heating appliances for body heating purposes

85 电气烤面包机 Electric toaster

86 电烤炉 Electric oven

87 电烤鱼器 Electric fish roaster

88 电烘烤器 Electric roaster

89 微波炉 Electric range

90 电炉 Electric buffet range

91 电烤香肠器 Electric sausage roaster

92 烤蛋饼的夹板铁模 Electric waffle iron

93 电烤章鱼器 Electric takoyaki griddle

94 电热板 Electric cooking hot plate

95 电平底锅 Electric frying pan

96 电饭锅 Electric rice cooker

97 电壶 Electric jar

98 电锅 Electric deep frying pan

99 电油炸炉 Electric fryer

100 电煮蛋器 Electric boiled egg maker

101 电保温盆 Electric warming board

102 电加温台 Electric warm serving tray

103 电牛奶加热器 Electric milk warmer

104 电开水壶 Electric kettle

105 电咖啡壶 Electric coffee maker

106 电茶壶 Electric tea server

107 电温酒器 Electric sake warmer

108 暖汤炉 Electric bain marie

109 电蒸锅 Electric steamer

110 电感加热式厨具 Induction cooking appliance

111 其他电热厨具 Electric heating appliance for cooking purpose

112 剃须用热水器 Electric hot water heater for shaving

113 电烫发钳 Electric curling iron

114 电烫发器 Electric hair curler

115 毛发加湿器 Electric hair steamer

116 其他理发用电热器具 Electric heating appliance for skin or hair care

117 电热刀 Electric heated knife

118 电溶器 Electric melter

119 电陶瓷窑 Electric pottery kiln

120 电烙铁 Electric soldering iron

121 电烙铁加热器 Electric heater for irons

122 其他手工用或工艺用电热器具 Electric heating tool for handwork or handcraft

123 蒸毛巾器 Electric hot hand towel steamer

124 电消毒器 Electric sterilizer

125 电加湿器 Electric humidifier

126 电蒸汽熨烫机 Electric cloth steamer

127 浸没式电热器 Electric immersion heater

128 即热式电热水器 Electric instantaneous water heater

129 恒温显影器 Thermostatic developing tray

130 电热板 Electric heating board

131 电热垫 Electric heating floor sheet

132 电热脚垫 Electric heating floor mat

133 电吹风 Electric dryer

134 电压熨器 Electric cloth presser

135 电育苗器 Electric plant nursery

136 电孵化器 Electric egg incubator

137 电育雏器 Electric brooder

138 电熨斗 Electric iron

139 电裁缝熨斗 Electric flatiron

140 电熔接器 Electric plastic welder

141 电香炉 Electric incense burner

142 电蒸薰杀虫器 Electric insecticide waporizer

143 电温灸器 Electric moxibustion appliance

八、电动力应用机械器具 / Electric Motor-operatied or Magnetically Driven Appliances

144 皮带式输送机 Belt conveyor

145 电冰箱 Electric refrigerator

146 电冷冻库 Electric freezer

147 电制冰机 Electric ice maker

148 电凉水器 Electric water cooler

149 空气压缩机 Electric air compressor

150 电动缝纫机 Electric sewing machine

151 电拉坯轮 Electric pottery wheel

152 电削铅笔器 Electric pencil sharpener

153 电搅拌器 Electric stirring machine

154 电剪刀 Electric scissor

155 电捕虫机 Electric insect trap

156 电剪草机 Electric grass shear

157 电修枝机 Electric hedge trimmer

158 电剪草坪机 Electric lawn mower

159 电剥壳机 Electric decorticator

160 电碾米机 Electric rice hulling machine

161 电打稻草机 Electric straw damper

162 电搓绳机 Electric straw-rope making machine

163 选卵机 Electric egg selector

164 洗卵机 Electric egg washer

165 园艺用电耕机 Electric garden cultivator

166 海带加工机 Electric sea-tangle processor

167 干鱿鱼加工机 Electric dried squid processor

168 果汁机 Electric juice squeezer

169 果汁搅拌机 Electric juice blender

170 食物混合器 Electric food processor

171 电面条机 Electric noodle maker

172 电年糕机 Electric rice cake maker

173 磨咖啡机 Electric coffee mill

174 电开罐机 Electric can opener

175 电绞肉机 Electric mincer

176 电切肉机 Electric meat shopper

177 电切面包机 Electric bread slicer

178 鲣鱼干刨削机 Electric dried bonito planer

179 电刨冰机 Electric ice flaker

180 电淘米机 Electric rice washer

181 洗菜机 Electric vegetable washer

182 洗碗机 Electric dishwasher

183 精米机 Electric rice polisher

184 焙茶机 Electric tea leaf roaster

185 捆包机 Electric wrapping machine

186 打包机 Electric packaging machine

187 电座钟 Electric table clock

188 电挂钟 Electric wall clock

189 自动定影槽 Automatic print fixing bath

190 自动冲洗器 Automatic print washer

191 腾印机 Electric mimeograph machine

192 办公用印刷机 Office printing machine 1........
