编辑: kieth 2015-06-17
蔚秀学术视频 Weixiu Academic Video Project 知名学者学术专题片共建协议书 The Famous Scholar's Academic Feature Film Agreement 甲方: 上海蔚秀信息技术有限公司 (以下简称甲方) MADE BETWEEN WeiXiu Information &Technology Co.

, (hereinafter termed Party A) of the one part 乙方: (以下简称乙方) AND: (hereinafter termed Party B) of the other part 为促进中国学术事业的繁荣发展,促进文化信息的交流,利用现代的录像拍摄手段,将优秀学术成果有规划、有选择地系统整理和拍摄,以录像专题片的方式为社会提供服务,甲乙双方达成如下协议: WHEREBY it is mutually agreed as follows regarding: The Famous Scholar's Academic Feature Film (hereinafter termed the Feature Film). WHEREAS, in order to promote the prosperity of China's academic development and cultural information exchange, to utilize the modern video shooting device,to sort and shoot the excellent academic achievements systematically and selectively, to provide service to the society by the Feature Film, Party A and Party B hereby agree as follows:

一、甲方诚邀乙方参加"蔚秀学术视频"项目工作.乙方接受甲方邀请,并与甲方合作共同录制学术录像专题片(以下简称"该专题片").该专题片的具体名称、时长、录制开始和完成时间由双方在工作中共同商定. Party A invites Party B to participate in the Weixiu Academic Video project. Party B accepts the invitation from Party A and cooperates with Party A to record academic video (the Feature Film) jointly. The specific name, the time length, the start time and the end time of shooting of the Feature Film shall be mutually agreed during the work time by the parties.

二、甲方负责该专题片拍摄的设备投入,并承担编辑、拍摄、制作等此项工作所产生的所有费用. Party A shall be responsible for the equipment investment, and bear the costs of editing, shooting, producing works and so on at its own expense.

三、乙方授权甲方独家享有该讲座专题片的音像制作者权利."音像制作者权利"指《中华人民共和国著作权法》第四十一条所规定的"复制、发行、出租、通过信息网络向公众传播的权利".乙方享有该专题片作保存、欣赏、教学、研究之权利.乙方若将该专题片授权或转让给第三方使用时,应事先征得甲方的书面许可.甲方会将该专题片免费向全国各大高校师生推广,使之作为公益性讲座用于学术交流. 3. Party B hereby grants to Party A the exclusive license to the copyright of the Feature Film. According to Article

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