编辑: 戴静菡 2016-01-08
****公司 成交确认书 编号: 拍卖场次(AUCTION 拍卖标的图录号、名称(LOT) 竞买牌号(PADDLE NO.

落槌价(HAMMER PRICE)酬金(PREMIUM) % 买受人签字(SIGNATURE)日期(DATE) ・买受人已认真阅读****公司的拍卖规则,同意在拍卖交易中遵守拍卖规则中的一切条款,并按规定向*****公司支付酬金及其他各项费用. ・The Buyer has thoroughly read and agrees to the Conditions of Business of ****,abide by all the above conditions in the transactions and agrees to pay premium and other expenses to **** in accordance with the conditions. 拍卖师签字 拍卖人公章 ****公司 成交确认书 编号: 拍卖场次(AUCTION 拍卖标的图录号、名称(LOT) 竞买牌号(PADDLE NO. 落槌价(HAMMER PRICE)酬金(PREMIUM) % 买受人签字(SIGNATURE)日期(DATE) ・买受人已认真阅读****公司的拍卖规则,同意在拍卖交易中遵守拍卖规则中的一切条款,并按规定向*****公司支付酬金及其他各项费用. ・The Buyer has thoroughly read and agrees to the Conditions of Business of ****,abide by all the above conditions in the transactions and agrees to pay premium and other expenses to **** in accordance with the conditions. 拍卖师签字 拍卖人公章 ****公司 成交记录单 编号: 拍卖场次(AUCTION 拍卖标的图录号、名称(LOT) 竞买牌号(PADDLE NO. 落槌价(HAMMER PRICE)酬金(PREMIUM) % 买受人签字(SIGNATURE)日期(DATE) ・买受人已认真阅读****公司的拍卖规则,同意在拍卖交易中遵守拍卖规则中的一切条款,并按规定向*****公司支付酬金及其他各项费用. ・The Buyer has thoroughly read and agrees to the Conditions of Business of ****,abide by all the above conditions in the transactions and agrees to pay premium and other expenses to **** in accordance with the conditions. 拍卖师签字 拍卖人公章
