编辑: ddzhikoi 2016-03-01

ll put it on right now. Clerk: Now, here is your receipt. Lisa: Thanks. Is everything done? Clerk: Yes, miss. You may go to window

9 now. 在邮局 丽莎: 我需要一些邮票寄这八张明信片、请问要贴多少钱邮票? 职员: 一张八分,还需要别的吗? 丽莎: 我还需要十张一角五分的邮票.……我想邮寄这个包裹.请问应该到哪个窗口? 职员: 到写着『包裹邮寄』的窗口. 丽莎: 谢谢.……(在包裹邮寄窗口)我要小包挂号邮寄这件包裹. 职员: 里面是什么东西? 丽莎: 是些书和手稿. 职员: 要保险吗? 丽莎: 要,请保三十元险. 职员: 总共是四角.这是您的邮票. 丽莎: 谢谢.(丽莎把邮票贴在包裹上,然后把它交给职员.) 我想买一些航空邮票.请问在哪一个窗口? 职员: 到九号窗口.(丽莎走了过去.)等等,小姐. 丽莎: 什么事? 职员: 您忘了写寄件人地址. 丽莎: 噢,对不起.我马上写. 职员: 好了.这是您的收据. 丽莎: 谢谢.都好了吧? 职员: 是的,小姐.您现在可以到九号窗口去了. At the Drugstore: Patrick: I'

d like to buy a bottle of Centrum, a dozen tooth brushes, some baby'

s wipes, and a small bottle of aspirin. Clerk: Centrum? We have bottles of thirty and one hundred tablets. Which kind do you want? Patrick: Give me one bottle of one hundred tablets. Clerk: And what kind of toothbrushes would you like? Patrick: Can I have a look at them? Clerk: Sure. This brand is supposed to be very good, but they'

re expensive. Those are new products. They come in several colors and sizes. There is also hard, soft, and medium. Patrick: Are they cheaper? Clerk: This one is

10 % off. That one has no reduction, but you can get a f........
