编辑: 此身滑稽 | 2016-06-02 |
创造了三个 中国第一 和一个 世界第一 :中国第一台全数控螺旋锥齿轮铣齿机、第一台全数控螺旋锥齿轮磨齿机和第一条螺旋锥齿轮数字化精密制造生产线,全球最大、磨削工件直径达1米的全数控螺旋锥齿轮磨齿机YK20100;
4项成果被鉴定为国内首创、国际先进水平,批准了5项软件著作权登记,申报了发明专利、实用新型专利30多项,获得了50多项独有技术. 全数控螺旋锥齿轮磨齿机系列产品的研究与制造 获得湖南省科技进步一等奖,全数控螺旋锥齿轮磨齿机被评为 湖南名牌产品 ,全数控螺旋锥齿轮铣齿机、磨齿机、研齿机、检查机获得国家重点新产品证书. 公司通过了湖南省科技厅的 双高 认定、湖南省信息产业厅的 双软 认定和中国检验认证集团的质量体系ISO9001―2000认证.公司是中国齿轮专业协会常务理事单位、中国锥齿轮基础标准起草组长单位,设有全国金属切削机床专业标准化委员会齿轮机床分会数控螺旋锥齿轮机床工作组秘书处,是湖南省 小巨人 企业. 2007年,公司与国际知名教授合作,成立创远盖尔公司,进军属于世界领先水平的全数控锥齿轮加工机床的研发,目前已进入投产阶段.2008年年初,公司再度与国内专业技术团队合作,进军全数控圆柱齿轮专业化产业领域,进一步做大做强企业的齿轮加工机床产业,推进民族产业的发展. 公司坚持走产学研相结合的道路,秉承 品质感动客户 的核心价值观,以市场为导向、以技术为支撑,开放创新,整合全球资源,为客户提供螺旋锥齿轮数字化精密加工成套应用技术解决方案.公司的使命是争做高端数控装备工业标杆企业,参与国际竞争与合作,创建民族自主知识品牌;
二、人才需求计划和项目合作计划 Hunan ZDCY CNC Equiment CO.,LTD Requirement list for international specialists and experienced professionals Hunan ZDCY CNC Equiment CO.,LTD.,established in 2004,a new and high technology enterprise being engaged in developing and manufacturing the up-market CNC machine tool used to process the complicated curved surfaces and providing technical service for digital processing of complicated curved surfaces.It is located in Changsha National Economic &
Technological Developmeng Zone .Depending on the Intial investmen,it has been built the industrialization base for the up-market CNC machine tool with the annual output
120 sets and the annual production value of $500 million Yuan. ZDCY persists in taking the road of combining production with study and research,inherits core value of Quality attracts customers ,has succeeded in developing series of product such as grinding machine,cutting machine ,lapping machine and rolling tester for bevel gear with independent intellectual property right,it has realized the digitalization,networked and intelligent control for system precise processing of bevel gears. For detail information ,please visit our website:www.zdcy.net 1.Experienced professionals in bevel gear machining technology Master'
s degree in applied mathematics or mechanical engineering. Individual must be undertaking the research on the processing theory of spiral bevel gears with Gleason, Oerlikon or Klingelnberg tooth system. Individual must be familiar with the processing technology of high precision spiral bevel gears. 2.Experienced professionals in key-technology of CNC machine tools A.Doctor'