编辑: gracecats 2018-05-26
易错题 1.

Children who are not active or in fat will gain weight quickly. (diet) 不活跃或者饮食中脂肪含量高的孩子很容易发胖. 2. I have reached a point in my life decisions of my own. (make) 我已经到了人生中应该自己做决定的时刻了. 3. I do hope so because I want you to as I do. (life) 我的确希望你把烟戒掉,因为我希望你能像我这样活得健康. 4.which was built three years ago. (follow) 接着是超市,它是三年前建起来的. 5.my classmate and I were talking about our future. (seat) 坐在桌子旁边,我和我的同学谈论着我们的将来. 6. He the film Where Has Daddy Gone, for he knew nothing about it when we were talking. (see) 他肯定没有看过《爸爸去哪里》这部电影,因为我们谈论的时候,他对它一无所知. 7. I have always been wondering makes Hengda Football Team won the Asian Football Cup in 2013. (it) 我一直在想是什么使得恒大足球队赢得2013年亚洲杯冠军. 8. The administration of the government that once caught playing games or shopping on line in the office,the civil servant must be fired at once without any reason.(make) 政府行政部门已经制定规矩:一旦被发现在办公室玩游戏或网购,该公务员必须毫无理由地立即被解雇. 9. Many college students urged that the stadium during the summer vacation to the public.(keep) 许多大学生极力主张暑假期间体育馆保持对外开放. 10. With no one else in such a stormy night,,

the middle-aged woman had no choice but to dial

119 to seek for the help of the police.(turn) 在这样一个暴风雨的晚上,这位中年妇女由于没有其他人可以求助,所以她拨打119来寻求警察的帮助. 11. Hardly amazed when he received the admission notice from Beijing University because he thought it was the result of his efforts. ( feel) 当他收到北京大学的录取通知书时,他并没感觉意外,因为他认为那是他努力所得. 12. But for the fact that I in that accident, without doubt, I wouldn'

t be alive today. (fasten) 在那次事故中,要不是我系了安全带的话,毫无疑问我是活不到现在的. 13. Because the wireless network is widely applied , the users surfing the Internet by cellphones is about those by computers. (as) 由于无线网络的广泛应用,现在使用手机上网的用户大约是使用电脑上网的用户的两倍一样多. 14. I am afraid that I didn'

t see the speed limit just now, officer. I dream ) 警官,恐怕我刚才没看到时速标志,我肯定是正在开小差. 15. Such that all the students present laughed. (tell) 他讲的故事如此滑稽以至于所有在场的学生都被逗笑了. 16. He received a message telling him his father had passed away an arrangement. (make) 他还没有来得及做安排就收到信息说他的父亲已经去世. 17. His understanding of the new skill is of his old companions. (superior) 他对于这种新技术的理解好于他的年长的同事们的理解. 18. As millions of migrant workers head home to reunite with their families,their children. (happy) 当几百万民工回家与家人团聚的时候,最高兴的就是他们的孩子了. 19. What lovely flowers! Thank you, Bella. You gift . (bring) 多可爱的花啊!谢谢你,贝拉,你带来的礼物再好不过了. 20. When we were studying manicure in the beauty school, none of us could think of the human body. (harm) 当我们在美容学校学习美甲的时候,我们中没有人想到它对人体有什么害处. 21. I with my work that I haven'
