编辑: 枪械砖家 2018-11-03
"跨文化交际"课程说明 Special English Options for MSc Candidates, Fall

2018 Any first-year MSc candidates at an intermediate or upper level of English (no non-speakers!) are free to choose one of these three special courses to satisfy the English requirement in the fall term of 2018-2019.

[There are also three highly interactive regular English courses (EFL) taught by foreign instructors.] All courses will be held once a week for the whole term. ART: Talking About Art. (Nicholas Kingston-Smith) When human beings produce objects or gestures that we think of as "art", what are they doing? In this very interactive English course, participants will study photos of art works (jewelry, sculpture, painting, ceramics) and push themselves and each other to see what is really there. Nick Kingston-Smith will give short talks, set up group discussions in English and later arrange camera assignments that challenge students to "see" in a fresh and deeper way. We aim to enable participants to approach the tasks in their own lives in a more thoughtful and creative spirit, by first observing things around them more sharply C using English. This class is only for students willing to use English actively. DEBATE: Building Fluency in English Through Debate. (Janey Robideau) Students will learn how formal debates are conducted in the English-speaking world. They will read background material and work in groups to argue the pros and cons of a range of issues. Many of the issues will be related to the earth sciences and environmental studies. The emphasis in the class will be on sharpening reasoning skills and developing the oral English of argument, exchange and persuasion. Students must start with some previous ability to use general English conversationally. GEOLOGICAL ENGLISH: Talking about Earth. (William White) The earth sciences are very different fields, but they share a basic vocabulary to talk about Earth as a dynamic system. This interactive course will use short readings, discussions, dialogs, dictations and drills to launch students in the use of the basic English of geology important in their careers. The primary objective is to give students greater confidence in talking about geological matters, and secondarily to build greater willingness to use geological textbooks and articles in English. Grading will reflect participation and the results of several short quizzes. Only students with some ability to use general English orally can enter the class. "翻译实践"课程说明 教材来源: 课程参考教材共三本,并配课件ppt 1)《英汉互译实用教程》 安静, 隗雪燕 主编 知识产权出版社 2)《科技英语翻译》 赵萱,郑仰光 主编 外语教学与研究出版社 3)《研究生英语阅读与翻译》 李健 主编 外语教学与研究出版社 教学内容: 硕士研究生在之前的英语学习中掌握、积累了大量英语词汇、语法和相关技能.本阶段的英语学习,更应该注重与本专业的结合.翻译课程旨在培养学生灵活转换汉、英两种语言的能力,帮助学生开阔学术视野,培养其国际化学术交流能力.教学内容包括,了解英汉两种语言的差异,以及这些差异对思维的影响;


掌握翻译技巧.此外,熟悉英语学术文体的特征,将翻译技巧运用到中英文学术文献的翻译中. 教学方法: 为了激发学生学习兴趣、活跃课堂氛围,教学方法上不拘泥于传统的"理论-举例-结论"三段法,还会结合多媒体技术运用比较法、批评法、翻译工作坊法,以及建立学生翻译语料库追踪学习效果. 教学进度安排: 教学周 教学内容 学时
