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2017年《煤炭学报》专业分类目录及免费全文下载链接 1煤田地质

1 1.


1 1.2煤矿防治水和水文地质

2 1.3煤层气

3 1.4页岩气

7 1.5煤地球化学

8 1.6其他

9 2煤矿开采与矿井建设

11 2.1煤矿开采

11 2.2矿井建设

28 2.3矿山测量

29 2.4岩石力学

29 2.5其他

37 3煤矿安全

43 3.1瓦斯灾害防治

43 3.2煤矿防灭火

46 3.3矿井除尘

47 3.4矿井通风

47 3.5热害防治

48 3.6其他

48 4 煤矿机电

52 4.1采掘机械

52 4.2矿井提升设备

53 4.3矿山运输设备

54 4.4选煤机械

54 4.5矿山通信

55 4.6矿山生产自动化

56 4.7其他

56 5煤炭加工利用

58 5.1选煤

58 5.2煤转化

58 5.3水煤浆

59 5.4煤化学及煤质分析

61 5.5煤燃烧

66 5.6洁净利用

67 5.7其他

68 6煤矿环境保护

70 6.1矿区生态破坏与恢复

70 6.2煤矿环境污染及防治

71 6.3关闭矿井资源利用

72 6.4其他

72 7其他

73 注:由于水平有限,本目录分类难免有不当之处,请见谅!如有任何建议或意见,欢迎联系编辑部! 1煤田地质 1.1煤田地质勘探 [1]李松营,廉洁,滕吉文,等.基于槽波透射法的采煤工作面煤厚解释技术[J]. 煤炭学报,2017,42(3):719-725. LI Songying,LIAN Jie,TENG Jiwen,et al.Interpretation technology of coal seam thickness in mining face by ISS transmission method[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(3):719-725 点击免费下载PDF全文 [2]伍云霞,张宏.基于Curvelet变换和压缩感知的煤岩识别方法[J]. 煤炭学报,2017,42(5):1331-1338. WU Yunxia,ZHANG Hong.Recognition method of coal-rock images based on curvelet transform and compressed sensing[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(5):1331-1338. 点击免费下载PDF全文 [3]田忠斌,魏书宏,王建青,等.沁水盆地中东部海陆过渡相页岩微观孔隙结构特征[J].煤炭学报,2017,42(7):1818-1827. TIAN Zhongbin,WEI Shuhong,WANG Jianqing,et al.Characteristics of microscale pore structures of marinecontinental transitional shale from the mideastern area,Qinshui Basin[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(7):1818-1827. 点击免费下载PDF全文 [4] 李勇,汤达祯,牛鑫磊.鄂尔多斯盆地东缘可容纳空间变化控制的C-P煤系沉积特征[J].煤炭学报,2017,42(7):1828-1838. LI Yong,TANG Dazhen,NIU Xinlei.Sedimentary features of C-P coal bearing strata controlled by variation of accommodation spaces in east margin of Ordos Basin[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(7):1828-1838. 点击免费下载PDF全文 [5] 李丽,邵龙义,李明培,等.鄂尔多斯盆地上三叠统瓦窑堡组层序-古地理及聚煤规律[J].煤炭学报,2017,42(8):2090-2100. LI Li,SHAO Longyi,LI Mingpei,et al.Sequencepaleogeography and coal accumulation of the Upper Triassic Wayaopu Formation in Ordos Basin[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(8):2090-2100. 点击免费下载PDF全文 [6]韩德品,蒙超,石显新,等.层状全空间电测深曲线类型与新方法研究[J].煤炭学报,2017,42(11):2953-2958. HAN Depin,MENG Chao,SHI Xianxin,et al.Study on the curvetype and new method of layered full space electrical sounding[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(11):2953-2958. 点击免费下载PDF全文 1.2煤矿防治水和水文地质 [1] 杨天鸿,师文豪,刘洪磊,等. 基于流态转捩的非线性渗流模型及在陷落柱突水机理分析中的应用[J]. 煤炭学报,2017,42(2):315-321. YANG Tianhong,SHI Wenhao,LIU Honglei,et al.A non-linear flow model based on flow translation and its application in the mechanism analysis of water inrush through collapse pillar[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(2):315-321. 点击免费下载PDF全文 [2] 许延春,杜明泽,李江华,等.水压作用下防砂安全煤岩柱失稳机理及留设方法[J]. 煤炭学报,2017,42(2):328-334. XU Yanchun,DU Mingze,LI Jianghua,et al. Instability mechanism and design method of coal and rock pillar under water pressure[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(2):328-334. 点击免费下载PDF全文 [3] 李顺才,李强,缪协兴,等.小纪汗井田地层介质渗透特性及煤层为主含水层成因机制[J]. 煤炭学报,2017,42(2):353-359. LI Shuncai,LI Qiang,MIAO Xiexing,et al.Experimental study on permeability properties of stratum medium of Xiaojihan coal mine and genetic mechanism of the coal seam becoming a main aquifer[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(2):353-359. 点击免费下载PDF全文 [4] 徐智敏,高尚,孙亚军,等.西部典型侏罗系富煤区含水介质条件与水动力学特征[J]. 煤炭学报,2017,42(2):444-451. XU Zhimin,GAO Shang,SUN Yajun,et al.A study of conditions of water bearing media and water dynamics in typical Jurassic coal rich regions in western China[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(2):444-451. 点击免费下载PDF全文 [5]陈陆望,许冬清,殷晓曦,等.华北隐伏型煤矿区地下水化学及其控制因素分析――以宿县矿区主要突水含水层为例[J].煤炭学报,2017,42(4):996-1004.doi:10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2016.0685 CHEN Luwang,XU Dongqing,YIN Xiaoxi,et al.Analysis on hydrochemistry and its control factors in the concealed coal mining area in North China:A case study of dominant inrush aquifers in Suxian mining area[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(4):996-1004. 点击免费下载PDF全文 [6] 杜锋,李振华,姜广辉,等.西部矿区突水溃沙类型及机理研究[J].煤炭学报,2017,42(7):1846-1853. DU Feng,LI Zhenhua,JIANG Guanghui,et al.Types and mechanism of watersand inrush disaster in west coal mine[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(7):1846-1853. 点击免费下载PDF全文 [7] 李全生,鞠金峰,曹志国,等.基于导水裂隙带高度的地下水库适应性评价[J].煤炭学报,2017,42(8):2116-2124. LI Quansheng,JU Jinfeng,CAO Zhiguo,et al.Suitability evaluation of underground reservoir technology based on the discriminant of the height of water conduction fracture zone[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(8):2116-2124. 点击免费下载PDF全文 [8] 王亚,周孟然,闫鹏程,等.基于极限学习机的矿井突水水源快速识别模型[J].煤炭学报,2017,42(9):2427-2432. WANG Ya,ZHOU Mengran,YAN Pengcheng,et al.A rapid identification model of mine water inrush based on extreme learning machine [J].Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(9):2427-2432. 点击免费下载PDF全文 [9] 王心义,赵伟,刘小满,等.基于熵权-模糊可变集理论的煤矿井突水水源识别[J].煤炭学报,2017,42(9):2433-2439. WANG Xinyi,ZHAO Wei,LIU Xiaoman,et al.Identification of water inrush source from coalfield based on entropy weightfuzzy variable set theory[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(9):2433-2439. 点击免费下载PDF全文 [10] 张杰,杨涛,索永录,等.基于隔水土层失稳模型的顶板突水致灾预测研究[J].煤炭学报,2017,42(10):2718-2724. ZHANG Jie,YANG Tao,SUO Yonglu,et al.Roof waterinrush disaster forecast based on the model of aquiclude instability[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(10):2718-2724. 点击免费下载PDF全文 1.3煤层气 [1] 肖露,姚成林.低浓度煤层气液化分离装置的气源适应性试验研究[J]. 煤炭学报,2017,42(1):242-248. XIAO Lu,YAO Ch........
