编辑: QQ215851406 2019-07-01

1 服务规范.组织应确保所有服务包括公用设施、运输和影响食品安全的维护.Specifications for services.The organization shall ensure that all services (including utilities, transport and maintenance) which are provided and may have an impact on food safety. 1.1 应有明确的要求.Shall have specified requirements. 1.2 应当在文件中进行描述,以便实施危害分析.Shall be described in documents to the extent needed to conduct hazard analysis. 1.3 应按前提方案技术规格的要求进行管理.Shall be managed in conformance with the requirements of technical specification for sector PRPs.

2 员工食品安全监管Supervision of personnel in application food safety principles. 2.1 对员工正确执行食品安全政策和规范的有效监督管理.The organization shall ensure the effective supervision of personnel in the correct application of food safety principles and practices commensurate with their activity.

3 特定法规要求Specific regulatory requirements Appendix 1A, Item

3 组织应确保考虑任何适用于原料和成分的法规要求(如禁用物质的控制.Organizations seeking certification shall assure that specifications for ingredients and materials take account of any applicable regulatory requirements [e.g. control of prohibited substances]

5 输入物管理Management of inputs Appendix 1A, Item 5. 组织应实施一个系统应确保产品安全符合性至关重要的投入物分析,分析依据的标准应等同于ISO17025. The organization shall implement a system to assure that analysis of inputs critical to the confirmation of products safety is undertaken. The analyses shall be performed to standards equivalent to those desc........
