编辑: 645135144 2019-07-01
厦门市顽石航海运动有限公司主办 Organized by Xia Men Ironrock Sailing Club 个人报名表 Individual Entry Form 姓名 Name(中文 Chinese)英文 English) 地址 Address 籍贯Nationality 血型Blood Type 健康状况Healthy Condition 身份证号码 ID No.

年龄 Age 性别 Gender 单位或学校Company Or School 职务Position 移动电话Mobile phone 电子邮件E-mail 电话Tel. 是否需要协助安排酒店(如需要请标明需要房间数) Hotel Booking (Room) 传真Fax * 如遇意外,请通知以下人士:If there is accident occurred, please inform the following person: 姓名 Name:关系 Relationship:联络电话 Tel: 参加项目 Event of Entry(请选择一项Please Choose One) 单人海洋舟统一级别 Single Sea Kayak 双人海洋舟统一级别Double Sea Kayak 休闲艇公开级别 Open Classes 单人独木舟孔雀鱼统一级别 Single Canoe 双人或多人队员姓名 Name of Partner(s): 报名费 Registration Fee:RMB150元人民币/人head 独木舟使用 Use of Canoe (请选择一项Please Choose One) 租用单人滚塑海洋舟 Rent Single Sea kayak 租用双人滚塑海洋舟Rent Double Sea kayak 租用单人孔雀鱼Rent Single Canoe 自带艇Bring your own 船艇租用费Rent Fee:(单位:RMB元(人民币)/船boat) 海洋舟Single Sea kayak: 300元 双人滚塑海洋舟single Double Sea kayak:300元 孔雀鱼 Single Canoe:100元 声明 Declaration 本人清楚了解本次比赛的性质和所有规定,亦完全明白将可能发生之任何危险情况,并同意主办机构(厦门市顽石航海运动有限公司)对所有的伤亡意外或任何财务损失无须负上任何责任,无论是否由主办机构之疏忽而引起,其后果责任一概由本人承担.若因人为因素至使器材损坏,则须负赔偿器材复原之责. I fully understand and agree that I take part in this race at my own risk. The organizing bodies will not be responsible for any loss or injury caused by whole or part of negligence the organizing bodies. 备注 Remarks * 参加赛事全员由赛事组委会统一购买商业意外保险 Participate in the event full unified by the tournament organizers to purchase commercial insurance. * 参赛者必须遵守比赛规则 Competitor must observe the rules laid down by Competition Committee. 参赛者签名 Signature:日期 Date:
