编辑: kr9梯 | 2019-07-04 |
15 people who lost their lives that day. Mostly first responders, some of who've volunteered with him at the Fire Department. As we drove around town, Mayor Muska spotted the two flags flying over the ambulance sheet. Someone lowered them to half-staff after the explosion and they've remained that way ever since. The powerful symbol for the town. 虽然市长看起来对未来充满期待,但他称自己永远不会忘记在那天丧生的15人.他们多是应急人员,一些曾经与他一起志愿在消防部门工作的人.我们开车在城里转时,镇长看到两面迎风飘扬的国旗.有人在爆炸发生后降了半旗,到现在仍然是这个样子.这或许是对这个小镇最好的慰藉.