编辑: jingluoshutong 2019-07-05

1601183034 林霄庞善起 1.Construction of Asymmetric Orthogonal Arrays of Strength ? from Orthogonal Partition of Small Orthogonal Arrays《IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics》2018. E101-A(8): 1267-1272. SCI(除导师外第一) 2.Construction of Orthogonal Arrays of Strength

3 by Difference Schemes《International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences》2019. 14(1): 1-7. 国外一般(除导师外第一) 高强度对称正交表的构造《东方教育》2018,8:253-254. CN(第一) 统计学

1601183035 张亚萌 王继霞 1.半参数跳扩散模型的近似极大似然估计――基于转移密度的闭式展开方法《河南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》2018,46(4):29-34.中文核心期刊(除导师外第一) 2.Geometric average Asian option pricing with paying dividend yield under non-extensive statistical mechanics for time-varying model《Entropy》2018,20(11),828.SCI(除导师外第一) Foreign equity option pricing under bivariate time-varying coefficient jump-diffusion model《International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Science》2018,13(5):205-217.国外一般期刊(第一) 统计学

1601183036 王添秀 王继霞 1.Heston随机波动模型时变利率下支付红利的timer期权定价《应用数学》2018,31(4):919 C 926. 中文核心期刊(除导师外第一) 2.随机利率下B-S模型基于非参数估计的期权保险精算定价《郑州大学学报(理学版)》2018, 30(1):94 - 99.中文核心期刊(除导师外第一) Local approximate MLE of time-varing stochastic volatility model based on log-likelihood expansion《Applied Math-ematical Sciences》2017,60(11):2981 - 2993.:国外一般期刊(第一作者) 物理学

1502083003 李晓楠 常钦 《Study of the weak annihilation contributions in charmless Bs→VV decays.》《Eur.Phys.J. C》2017 (77) no.6, 415. SCI一区(导师外一作) 1.《Self-consistency and covariance of light-front quark models: Testing via?P,?V, and?A?meson decay constants, and?P→P?weak transition form factors.》《Phys.Rev. D》2018 (98) no.11,

114018 SCI一区(导师外一作) 2.《Decay constants of pseudoscalar and vector mesons with improved holographic wavefunction.》《Chin.Phys. C》2018 (42) no.7, 073102. SCI二区(导师外一作) 3.《Fits of Weak Annihilation and Hard Spectator Scattering Corrections in Bu,d→VV Decays.》《J.Phys. G》2016 (43) no.10, 105004. SCI二区(导师外一作) 物理学

1602083007 周丹 孙金锋 《Transition dipole moments and transition probabilities of the NS radical.》《Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy &

Radiative Transfer》2019,230,120-130SCI 二区(一作) 2.《Spectroscopic properties and transition probabilities of SiC+ cation.》《Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy》 2018,204,164-173. SCI 二区(一作) 3.《MRCI study on transition dipole moments and transition probabilities of

18 low-lying states of CP+ cation.》《Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy》2018,200,235C245 SCI 二区(一作) 1.《Rotationless radiative lifetimes and transition probabilities of some low-lying quintet states of the NS+ cation.》《Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy &

Radiative Transfer》2019,224,1-8 SCI 二区(一作) 2. 《MRCI study on the spectroscopic parameters, transition dipole moments and transition probabilities of

16 low-lying states of the BeB radical.》 《Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy &

Radiative Transfer》2018,208,1C11 SCI 二区(一作) 3. 《Multireference configuration interaction study of ground and low-lying excited states of BrO radical.》《Computational and Theoretical Chemistry》 2017,1112,94C103.SCI 四区(一作) 物理学
