编辑: 夸张的诗人 2019-07-08



图Research of Management Information System of Power Plant Based on UML Abstract Power plant is one of the most important industries of the national economic development, and its productivity takes direct effect on the people'

s living standard. The output forms of the enterprise play a great role in its productivity. The most effective means to manage the information of the enterprise is to use computer, which can help managers to finish the production report forms quickly and exactly, and can benefit to the leader for decision-making. This paper analyzes the data characteristics of the enterprise, including data distribution, data-collecting mode, and the complex data-calculating relations based on the statistical requirements. It analyzes the functional requirements of the system in detail with UML, and describes the basic steps of UML modeling and the mapping relationship between the UML and the relation database. In addition, we construct use case diagram, class diagram, state diagram, collaboration diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram and other model diagrams. It is becoming more maintainable and extensible to manage the system based on these reasonable modeling foundations…. We analyze the system modeling from the view of network application, considering the current application and future evolution. However, there is still a lot of research work to be done with the development of enterprise. Key Words:Criteria;


Relation Database;

Diagram 目录(左对齐)右对齐)

1 绪论(4 号黑体) 1.1 二级标题(4 号宋体) 1.1.1 三级标题(4 号宋体) 1.2 二级标题(4 号宋体) 1.2.1 三级标题(4 号宋体) 1.2.2 三级标题(4 号宋体)

2 解决问题(4 号黑体) 2.1 二级标题(4 号宋体) 2.2 二级标题(4 号宋体) 2.2.1 三级标题(4 号宋体) 2.2.2 三级标题(4 号宋体)

3 结论(4 号黑体) 致谢(4 号黑体) 参考文献(4 号黑体) 附录(必要时)

1 绪论生产效率是企业追求的一个综合指标,它代表着企业的生命力,而作为一个发电企业,日发电综合指标和月发电综合指标是体现企业效益的标准.…在系统设计方案上,我们不仅要满足基本数据处理的需求,而且要面向企业的可扩展化、规范化、集成化的高指标要求,为此,在结合企业实际生产环节的各种数据基础上,结合计算机技术的最新发展来规划和实现系统的体系化分析和设计. 1.1 二级标题 一个电厂的生产环境,需要多种设备的配合运行,也需要各种原材料的充分供给,更需要高层管理人员的生产指导,最终目的在于追求生产效益的最大化[1]. 1.1.1 三级标题 OOA/OOD即Coad/Yourdon方法:它是最早的面向对象的分析和设计方法之一.该方法简单、易学,适合于面向对象技术的初学者使用. 四级标题 UML中的视图包括:连续报道、系列报道、整合报道,用例视图(Use-case view)、逻辑视图(Logical view)、组件视图(Component view)、并发视图(Concurrency view)、展开视图(Deployment view)等五种. (1) 用例图:. (2) 静态图:. ① 类图:. ② 对象图:图中的术语、符号、单位等应同文字表述所用一致;


2 解决问题 2.1 页眉、页脚说明 在版心上边线隔一行细线,其上居中打印页眉.页眉内容一律用 安徽新华学院****届本科毕业论文 (设计) ,字号用小五宋体.页码置于页脚中间,采用形式为: * ,具体设置参考模板. 2.2 段落、页面设置、字体说明 每段首行缩进2字符,行距固定值1.5行.上下页边距2.54 厘米,左右页边距3.17厘米.正文用小4号宋体,西文和数字用小4号Times New Roman.按照GB3100~3102及GB7159-87的规定使用,即物理量符号、物理常量、变量符号(如:a(t) , (i-1)Thtsize=0;
